
Going out tonight, husbands mad

on 11/21/11 4:23 am
 First of all, can someone point out these places to me??  cuz i have been out there and there are NO good candidates at the bar.  Hell, even the poor ones arent there!  lol.  I am divorced and would just like to toss out there that one of the problems (one of the many granted) was that i was not allowed to do anything but be wife and mom.  My parents had to schedule limited visits to see me and the kids.  He would get pissed and pout otherwise.  My friends were made to feel uncomfortable when they came to our home.  I was not allowed to go out with them, to the movies or shopping or otherwise.  If i did make the big girl decision and go anyway, there was the pouting for days to deal with.  Eventually, i lost who i was.  We would go out, but it was with his friends.  i was so lonely.  Being a wife and a mother is awesome.  Dont get me wrong.  But time with the girls and a healthy sense of who i was as a person was needed.  the thought never crossed my mind to cheat and if i had ever been asked to dance by someone else...well imma big girl and i would have said no.  my married friend and i go out to karaoke every other friday night.  we love it.  her husband hates to sing.  sometimes he will go with us just to please his wife and he is a great sport about it.  most times though, he will call the fellas and they will go play darts and drink beer.  we all meet up at the same place toward the end of the night.  She is so in love with the man, she pays no one else any attention.  And he with her.  And they are both secure in that.  i dunno.  guess its all what your comfortable with.  But if i ever do get married again....this one will have a healthy sense of self to match mine.  and ideally sing like a rock star at karaoke.  LMAO.  good luck everyone.  
on 11/21/11 4:35 am - RI
Amen Jodi!
Amy Farrah Fowler
on 11/21/11 5:37 am
 Your problem would not have been solved by putting your foot down to go out with the girls.

Your problem was you married a childish, insecure, uber-controlling a$$hole.
on 11/21/11 6:16 am
 in my case, im not arguing.  lol.  but as i look back, i see the problem was with ME.  i ALLOWED myself to disappear because i wanted to be who HE wanted me to be.  The best wife.  The best mom.  The best.  however, my self esteem was in the toilet.  Sometimes i wonder if i had addressed how i felt earlier if things could have been different.  At the time, I put up with abuse...and i dont mean that not wanting me to go out was abusive....because i was afraid i wouldnt ever find someone else.  UGH!  Total head case.  My problem not his.  He has his own.  I will deal with me.  lol.  I went through three years of therapy AND my divorce in there BEFORE my surgery.  Honestly, i needed to figure out who i was again.  My kids deserved that and so do I!  Only after i had learned some new coping skills did i do my surgery.  My self esteem now isnt based on attention from others, or how many men compliment (or dont compliment me) or a number on a scale or a size in the store.  I know who i am and i like who i see.  Doesnt mean i dont still struggle sometimes.  lol.  Anyway, only then did i go back to the dating arena.  holy hell things have changed.  but now i am available.  i mean present.  i mean capable of both giving and receiving love.  aint that a kick in the head?

as for the relationship of the OP, who knows.  honoring your partner's feelings is so important.  i dont think means you have to stay home all the time. maybe its not that he is angry...but why he is angry that ya need to figure out?  maybe its for reasons you havent considered? when ya figure that out, then you have a place to start.  if you meet anger and insecurity with indignation and resentment, you get **** soup.  just sayin.  i wish i hadnt done that.  i wouldnt go back there...but that was my side of the street sweeping.  takes two to make it and two to break it babe.  good luck!  