on 11/18/11 4:11 pm
On November 18, 2011 at 7:27 PM Pacific Time, Tammi V. wrote:
Does a lot of surgeons have program fees?  I just started at Hershey Medical and I don't recall them mentioning this.  Did I miss someting?
It is highly likely that if your doctor or program does have an addtitional fee, you were told about it before anything else.  I've tried to make appointments and could not even schedule one until I answered whether or not I had insurance. As in "Do you have insurance" and not "When would you like to be seen?"  Sadly, medicine has sometimes become more about money than seeing patients.  I do understand that doctors do need to get paid, but when I'm wanting to see a doctor, the last thing I want to worry about is insurance.

That's why I have a hard time mustering up much sympathy for the OP.  I just can't belive that this fee was as big as surprise as it was made out to be.  I'm too skeptical aout money grubbing to believe elsewise.

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