It's the most wonderful time of the year!

(deactivated member)
on 11/21/11 8:06 am
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/11 4:40 pm - San Jose, CA
Discovered today that my fancy stainless service for 12 is - I don't know where.  It wasn't in the box with the good dishes that DH pulled up out of the basement where it - and much of our belongings -have been living for 2 years since the remodeling started.  So, let's see, how many of my everyday service for 12 do I have?  Only 10 dinner forks - the basement dwelling boy apparently didn't bring them all upstairs before he moved out and we crammed all the bedroom stuff into the basement - or they got thrown out?  Fortunately, BB&B had a 20 piece service for 4 from the same pattern, so I bought more.  There will be 12 - or perhaps one or two more - for dinner, so that should work.

My daughter got extra turkey legs - I wasn't planning on sewing them on the side of the bird like John Madden does - but if I'm feeling motivated, I might do it.

According to the caption from where I snagged this pic, that was an 8-legged bird.  Looks kind of scrawny to me though. Mine will be PLUMP.

Two dozen eggs have been bought - I have a craving for deviled eggs NOW, and having patience is killing me!

Dessert.  I think that's covered, but ... maybe I should arrange for some extra, just in case?  There really isn't any such thing as too much dessert, right?

My daughter had a talk with her brother last night. I don't know how it went, but maybe he will do what is necessary to make himself welcome to dinner on Friday.  Do I plan on it and buy the jellied cranberry sauce and crescent rolls that he likes BEFORE he apologizes?  Shoould I be making a point, or having faith in him?

Our wine glasses were found in the basement, unpacked and washed.  But I don't know where my special turkey-sewing kit is (a curved needle and heavy black thread so I can find and remove the thread easily later.  Baster?  Need to make sure the rubber didn't rot.  My juice/grease separator?  I have no idea.  The turkey-lifting forks?  There will be digging in the basement tomorrow for all the special hardly-ever-need-it kitchen crap that hasn't been unpacked and put away yet.  But I did find my deviled egg plates!

Oh and the back of my house, including the three bedrooms?  It is stripped to the framing, the middle bedroom has been restructured for incorporation as a sitting room to the master bedroom, the floors have been stripped to the joists and resheathed, the cherry flooring has been ordered, the old knob-and-tube wiring has been stripped out, so the back of the house is ready for rewiring, insulation, sheetrocking and flooring - but it ain't happening before Friday, even though I got a modest windfall recently and hired some help for my husband so the work can get done more quickly.  There is a plywood sheet on a hinge closing off the back of the house from the front behind the arched doorway - and my guests will have to open it to use the bathroom, walking into the construction zone.  But I am being very Zen about this, don't you think??  Having Thanksgiving dinner in the midst of remodeling gives me lots of excuses to not have everything perfect, right?

I bought a regular-sized crib for my stepdaughter's 7 mo. old baby to sleep in while she visits for 11 days, since her sister (who lives nearby) just found out she is pregnant.  Bought bedding for the crib after looking at probably 100 different patterns, washed it - and then discovered I'd bought PORTA-CRIB bedding, dammit!  So CUTE - but useless!  So we ordered the matching regular crib set online, which probably won't get here by Friday, so I also bought extra sheets and a blanket as spares and to tide us over until the cute stuff comes.  (Stepdaughter and baby will be staying out in the pool house, away from the construction zone and dust - DH and I are sleeping in the living room.)

So we're going to have a combination of camping and semi-formal dinner - if I'm missing something, oh well - we'll make do.  And hope that by New Year's Eve, the house is mostly put back together.
(deactivated member)
on 11/21/11 11:04 pm
Sounds like fun, kinda, lol.

I would bet that you handle it with your usual aplomb and a good time will be had by all.

Try not to stress about your son.  You did the right thng and you know you did. :)
(deactivated member)
on 11/22/11 5:50 am
I just thought that this should go back to the front page!
Phyllis C.
on 11/23/11 2:39 am
The smell of ricotta cheese pie baking in the oven is wafting through my house swirling around my head and putting me in a state of nirvana...........

"Me agreeing with you doesn't preclude you from being a deviant."

(deactivated member)
on 11/23/11 3:37 am
Oh, I forgot about the 'frog-eye' fruit salad!!
on 11/23/11 3:51 am
I soooo love eating, and Thanksgiving eating is great, too :)

5' 5" -  317.5 / 132 / 134  SW / CW / GW

(deactivated member)
on 11/23/11 4:27 am - Bayonne, NJ
You know what I love? I love that now I can use cream and butter without any care. Oh boy, do I use them! I stopped off at Costco to get the quarts of heavy cream, the 4 lbs bricks of butter, and all the cheese I could carry.

Tomorrow's menu: 2 turkeys, 1 made with bacon; a ham; lasagna; butternut squa****alian-style; butternut squash with cinnamon & brown sugar; mashed potatoes; green beans almondine; New England style stuffing; cornbread stuffing; cranberry orange relish; potato skins for Laura (she won't eat anything but that, the mashed potatoes and the turkey); roasted beet salad; turnips; roasted garlic creamed spinach; pumpkin pie; apple pie; cherry pie.

We'll be 12-14 adults (my 26 year old son and his gf are still on the fence); 4 dogs,3 kids, 2 cats and whoever stops by for dessert.
(deactivated member)
on 11/23/11 12:42 pm
Holy Cow! If I lived near you, I would be begging for an invite!!

Happy Turkey Day!!