Any DS'ers who wish they had gotten the RNY

(deactivated member)
on 10/31/11 5:57 am, edited 10/30/11 7:42 pm
My chronic lifelong reflux was cured by my RNY and remains cured 2 and a half yeras post op . I have ( amazingly ) no heartburn anymore, no GERD, no acid reflux meds , no nothing !!
(deactivated member)
on 10/31/11 7:41 am
On October 31, 2011 at 12:57 PM Pacific Time, ♫♪Mini-Me's Mommy♪♫ wrote:
 My chrinic  lifelong reflux was cured by my RNY  andremains cured 2 and a half yeras post  op .  I have  ( amazingly )  no heartburn anymore, no GERD,  no  acid reflux meds , no nothing !! 
Evidently my other post to you and your's to me have been pulled.

Your answer to me asking if you were recently looking into a DS revision was: So?

So why are you now dissing the DS every chance you get when, if you could have found a surgeon to do it, you would have revised to a DS.  You couldn't get a revision to a DS and now the DS is a "terrible surgery"..

Good grief!!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/31/11 8:10 am - Lancaster, OH
On October 31, 2011 at 2:44 PM Pacific Time, ♫♪Mini-Me's Mommy♪♫ wrote:
I NEVER said DS was a terrible surgery . The poster was asking for possible negatives regarding the DS so she can make an informed choice . x post

I really wasn't knocking anyone else's surgery just answering the original question based on i guess mostly hearsay in truth.

But hearsay has its place too ... people discuss all the surgeries in the OA groups I attend and I have LOTS of friends who had surgeries of all kinds over the years .

I was just trying to help and answer her question regarding the ( relatively few and probably pretty uncommon but still POSSIBLE ) negatives of DS surgery .

Very few people who had a negative experience with a DS are here on OH talking about it ... that still doesnt make the DS a perfect surgery for everyone .

I too probably would have gotten a DS given a choice .. and may get revised to one if I regain in the future . That doesnt change what in my opinion are the DS 's minimum requirements ...

a willingness to closely monitor Ur vitamin levels for life .. to supplement daily and aggressively .....and be VERY responsible and hands on advocating for Ur own health now and forever .

U perhaps DO take a bit more risk with Ur long term health by choosing a somewhat more aggressive WLS - particularly one that is not widely practiced whose practitioners are a mere handful across the country and internationally . Very few physicians have ANY experience bringing back DS patients to good health whose well being has run aground .

There ARE far more bariatric centers and bariatric physicians experienced with treating RNY patients in trouble large and small because RNY HAS been the gold standard and the go-to surgery for many YEARS .

I have seen people with DS es and RNYs and band surgeries get jumped all over when they come here asking for help a few years post op when they are ill and havent taken perfect care of themselves .

Could it be that deep down a lot of OH ers dont want to acknowledge the risk theyve taken on long term and are effectively blaming the victim for what is not their fault or only very partially their fault ?

It was this group of people who are generally driven AWAY from the main board who i was trying in sense to speak for .

They DO exist .. risks of ALL of these surgeries are REAL .... and sticking our heads in the sand and saying its all rainbows and pattycake for everyone years post op is just not a TRUTHFUL answer when someone requests information about the potential negatives regarding a specific surgery .

Seriously, if I were in a group of people that you thought you represented, I'd want OUT.

And, why are you pasting back into a thread comments that were previously pulled?
Elizabeth N.
on 10/31/11 8:58 am - Burlington County, NJ
The twunt needs a dose of Pommie Love.

(deactivated member)
on 11/1/11 10:28 am
Elizabeth N.
on 11/1/11 12:26 pm - Burlington County, NJ
I learned that new word from Bronwen :-).

Ms. Cal Culator
on 11/1/11 10:55 am - Tuvalu
On October 31, 2011 at 3:10 PM Pacific Time, Caprice wrote:
On October 31, 2011 at 2:44 PM Pacific Time, ♫♪Mini-Me's Mommy♪♫ wrote:
I NEVER said DS was a terrible surgery . The poster was asking for possible negatives regarding the DS so she can make an informed choice . x post

I really wasn't knocking anyone else's surgery just answering the original question based on i guess mostly hearsay in truth.

But hearsay has its place too ... people discuss all the surgeries in the OA groups I attend and I have LOTS of friends who had surgeries of all kinds over the years .

I was just trying to help and answer her question regarding the ( relatively few and probably pretty uncommon but still POSSIBLE ) negatives of DS surgery .

Very few people who had a negative experience with a DS are here on OH talking about it ... that still doesnt make the DS a perfect surgery for everyone .

I too probably would have gotten a DS given a choice .. and may get revised to one if I regain in the future . That doesnt change what in my opinion are the DS 's minimum requirements ...

a willingness to closely monitor Ur vitamin levels for life .. to supplement daily and aggressively .....and be VERY responsible and hands on advocating for Ur own health now and forever .

U perhaps DO take a bit more risk with Ur long term health by choosing a somewhat more aggressive WLS - particularly one that is not widely practiced whose practitioners are a mere handful across the country and internationally . Very few physicians have ANY experience bringing back DS patients to good health whose well being has run aground .

There ARE far more bariatric centers and bariatric physicians experienced with treating RNY patients in trouble large and small because RNY HAS been the gold standard and the go-to surgery for many YEARS .

I have seen people with DS es and RNYs and band surgeries get jumped all over when they come here asking for help a few years post op when they are ill and havent taken perfect care of themselves .

Could it be that deep down a lot of OH ers dont want to acknowledge the risk theyve taken on long term and are effectively blaming the victim for what is not their fault or only very partially their fault ?

It was this group of people who are generally driven AWAY from the main board who i was trying in sense to speak for .

They DO exist .. risks of ALL of these surgeries are REAL .... and sticking our heads in the sand and saying its all rainbows and pattycake for everyone years post op is just not a TRUTHFUL answer when someone requests information about the potential negatives regarding a specific surgery .

Seriously, if I were in a group of people that you thought you represented, I'd want OUT.

And, why are you pasting back into a thread comments that were previously pulled?

I stuck it all into an Elmer Fudd Translator, on the hunch that it might make more sense that way.  What do you think?

I NEVEW said DS was a tewwibwe suwgewy . De postew was asking fow possibwe negatives wegawding the DS so she can make an infowmed choice . x post

Post Date: 10/31/11 11:49 am
Wast Edit: 10/31/11 12:46 pm
I weawwy wasn't knocking anyone ewse's suwgewy just answewing the owiginaw qwestion based on i guess mostwy heawsay in twuth.

But heawsay has its pwace too ... peopwe discuss aww the suwgewies in the OA gwoups I attend and I have WOTS of fwiends who had suwgewies of aww kinds ovew the yeaws .

I was just twying to hewp and answew hew qwestion wegawding the ( wewativewy few and pwobabwy pwetty uncommon but stiww POSSIBWE ) negatives of DS suwgewy .

Vewy few peopwe who had a negative expewience wif a DS awe hewe on OH tawking about it ... that stiww doesnt make the DS a pewfect suwgewy fow evewyone .

I too pwobabwy wouwd have gotten a DS given a choice .. and may get wevised to one if I wegain in the futuwe . Dat doesnt change what in my opinion awe the DS 's minimum weqwiwements ...

a wiwwingness to cwosewy monitow Uw vitamin wevews fow wife .. to suppwement daiwy and aggwessivewy .....and be VEWY wesponsibwe and hands on advocating fow Uw own heawf now and fowevew .

U pewhaps DO take a bit mowe wisk wif Uw wong tewm heawf by choosing a somewhat mowe aggwessive WWS - pawticuwawwy one that is not widewy pwacticed whose pwactitionews awe a mewe handfuw acwoss the countwy and intewnationawwy . Vewy few physicians have ANY expewience bwinging back DS patients to good heawf whose weww being has wun agwound .

Dewe AWE faw mowe bawiatwic centews and bawiatwic physicians expewienced wif tweating WNY patients in twoubwe wawge and smaww because WNY HAS been the gowd standawd and the go-to suwgewy fow many YEAWS .

I have seen peopwe wif DS es and WNYs and band suwgewies get jumped aww ovew when they come hewe asking fow hewp a few yeaws post op when they awe iww and havent taken pewfect cawe of themsewves .

Couwd it be that deep down a wot of OH ews dont want to acknowwedge the wisk theyve taken on wong tewm and awe effectivewy bwaming the victim fow what is not theiw fauwt ow onwy vewy pawtiawwy theiw fauwt ?

It was this gwoup of peopwe who awe genewawwy dwiven AWAY fwom the main boawd who i was twying in sense to speak fow .

Dey DO exist .. wisks of AWW of these suwgewies awe WEAW .... and sticking ouw heads in the sand and saying its aww wainbows and pattycake fow evewyone yeaws post op is just not a TWUDFUW answew when someone weqwests infowmation about the potentiaw negatives wegawding a specific suwgewy .
Jolly Rancher
on 11/1/11 11:02 am
Stop it! I'm crying here! LOL

on 11/1/11 11:26 am
On November 1, 2011 at 5:55 PM Pacific Time, Ms. Cal Culator wrote:
On October 31, 2011 at 3:10 PM Pacific Time, Caprice wrote:
On October 31, 2011 at 2:44 PM Pacific Time, ♫♪Mini-Me's Mommy♪♫ wrote:
I NEVER said DS was a terrible surgery . The poster was asking for possible negatives regarding the DS so she can make an informed choice . x post

I really wasn't knocking anyone else's surgery just answering the original question based on i guess mostly hearsay in truth.

But hearsay has its place too ... people discuss all the surgeries in the OA groups I attend and I have LOTS of friends who had surgeries of all kinds over the years .

I was just trying to help and answer her question regarding the ( relatively few and probably pretty uncommon but still POSSIBLE ) negatives of DS surgery .

Very few people who had a negative experience with a DS are here on OH talking about it ... that still doesnt make the DS a perfect surgery for everyone .

I too probably would have gotten a DS given a choice .. and may get revised to one if I regain in the future . That doesnt change what in my opinion are the DS 's minimum requirements ...

a willingness to closely monitor Ur vitamin levels for life .. to supplement daily and aggressively .....and be VERY responsible and hands on advocating for Ur own health now and forever .

U perhaps DO take a bit more risk with Ur long term health by choosing a somewhat more aggressive WLS - particularly one that is not widely practiced whose practitioners are a mere handful across the country and internationally . Very few physicians have ANY experience bringing back DS patients to good health whose well being has run aground .

There ARE far more bariatric centers and bariatric physicians experienced with treating RNY patients in trouble large and small because RNY HAS been the gold standard and the go-to surgery for many YEARS .

I have seen people with DS es and RNYs and band surgeries get jumped all over when they come here asking for help a few years post op when they are ill and havent taken perfect care of themselves .

Could it be that deep down a lot of OH ers dont want to acknowledge the risk theyve taken on long term and are effectively blaming the victim for what is not their fault or only very partially their fault ?

It was this group of people who are generally driven AWAY from the main board who i was trying in sense to speak for .

They DO exist .. risks of ALL of these surgeries are REAL .... and sticking our heads in the sand and saying its all rainbows and pattycake for everyone years post op is just not a TRUTHFUL answer when someone requests information about the potential negatives regarding a specific surgery .

Seriously, if I were in a group of people that you thought you represented, I'd want OUT.

And, why are you pasting back into a thread comments that were previously pulled?

I stuck it all into an Elmer Fudd Translator, on the hunch that it might make more sense that way.  What do you think?

I NEVEW said DS was a tewwibwe suwgewy . De postew was asking fow possibwe negatives wegawding the DS so she can make an infowmed choice . x post

Post Date: 10/31/11 11:49 am
Wast Edit: 10/31/11 12:46 pm
I weawwy wasn't knocking anyone ewse's suwgewy just answewing the owiginaw qwestion based on i guess mostwy heawsay in twuth.

But heawsay has its pwace too ... peopwe discuss aww the suwgewies in the OA gwoups I attend and I have WOTS of fwiends who had suwgewies of aww kinds ovew the yeaws .

I was just twying to hewp and answew hew qwestion wegawding the ( wewativewy few and pwobabwy pwetty uncommon but stiww POSSIBWE ) negatives of DS suwgewy .

Vewy few peopwe who had a negative expewience wif a DS awe hewe on OH tawking about it ... that stiww doesnt make the DS a pewfect suwgewy fow evewyone .

I too pwobabwy wouwd have gotten a DS given a choice .. and may get wevised to one if I wegain in the futuwe . Dat doesnt change what in my opinion awe the DS 's minimum weqwiwements ...

a wiwwingness to cwosewy monitow Uw vitamin wevews fow wife .. to suppwement daiwy and aggwessivewy .....and be VEWY wesponsibwe and hands on advocating fow Uw own heawf now and fowevew .

U pewhaps DO take a bit mowe wisk wif Uw wong tewm heawf by choosing a somewhat mowe aggwessive WWS - pawticuwawwy one that is not widewy pwacticed whose pwactitionews awe a mewe handfuw acwoss the countwy and intewnationawwy . Vewy few physicians have ANY expewience bwinging back DS patients to good heawf whose weww being has wun agwound .

Dewe AWE faw mowe bawiatwic centews and bawiatwic physicians expewienced wif tweating WNY patients in twoubwe wawge and smaww because WNY HAS been the gowd standawd and the go-to suwgewy fow many YEAWS .

I have seen peopwe wif DS es and WNYs and band suwgewies get jumped aww ovew when they come hewe asking fow hewp a few yeaws post op when they awe iww and havent taken pewfect cawe of themsewves .

Couwd it be that deep down a wot of OH ews dont want to acknowwedge the wisk theyve taken on wong tewm and awe effectivewy bwaming the victim fow what is not theiw fauwt ow onwy vewy pawtiawwy theiw fauwt ?

It was this gwoup of peopwe who awe genewawwy dwiven AWAY fwom the main boawd who i was twying in sense to speak fow .

Dey DO exist .. wisks of AWW of these suwgewies awe WEAW .... and sticking ouw heads in the sand and saying its aww wainbows and pattycake fow evewyone yeaws post op is just not a TWUDFUW answew when someone weqwests infowmation about the potentiaw negatives wegawding a specific suwgewy .

Okay---NOW I understand what she was trying to say...
on 11/1/11 2:19 am
On October 31, 2011 at 12:57 PM Pacific Time, ♫♪Mini-Me's Mommy♪♫ wrote:
My chronic lifelong reflux was cured by my RNY and remains cured 2 and a half yeras post op . I have ( amazingly ) no heartburn anymore, no GERD, no acid reflux meds , no nothing !!

And my DS has cured MY reflux, for coming up on EIGHT years now. No heartburn, no Gerd, no reflux, no meds, no restrictions on what I eat.
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