on 10/15/11 5:49 am

I am finally getting myself fixed all up with stuff at the doctor.  I have been back on regular supplementation as far as vitamins go for two or so years and my blood work is fine, except anemia, the ferritin level has been as low as 2.2, but runs about 8, which is low, but that is as good as it gets.

90% of the time when I eat, it gets stuck and I have to erp it up.  I have tried everything, eating slow, eating different foods, preparing food different ways, you name it.  Well, I finally got referred to the gastroenterologist and they did an esophagram.  A couple different times the tech said excitedly, "Did you feel that?"  Nope both times.  It was a reflux action that had barely hit before it jumped right back up my pipe.  Well, of course the doc hasn't called back and I am anxious.  But my real question/statement is that they told me my stomach was teeny tiny.  Now, I had RNY 1-28-2004 and my stomach is still the size of a quarter??????  How could that be?  Also, since I am basically not eating anything since it comes back up before it digests, why do I weigh 155 lbs instead of like 90 lbs or something?

Any stories to reassure me or even to scare me.  Hell, I just want to be somewhat in the know before I go to the doc again.


Also, since I am asking questions, I am in process of getting dentures.  Because of my dumb lack of compliance, I lost all my teeth.  I guess this is more like a statement than a question, but please take your damn calcium!!

Thanks again!!



on 10/15/11 6:55 am - NJ
I am glad to hear that you are getting back on track with your health issues. Your body may be on starvation mode to save all the calories it can.  Maybe whatever you are drinking have enough to keep you up.  I hope they will be able to fix your problem soon.  Don't stress for what you can't change now. keep it up with the things you can.  Best wishes
on 10/15/11 7:21 am
Have you had an iron infusion?  My Ferritin was 7 and I had an infusion and it's been pretty good every since.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 10/15/11 8:31 am
That's very very unique. 

Not that it matters to your gut -- but I had surgery four months later -- and my stomach can hold a cup or more -- in comparison -- and I never have to burp/vomit.

What about your stoma?
Kayla B.
on 10/15/11 8:54 am, edited 10/15/11 8:55 am - Austin, TX
If you are vomiting up everything you eat your blood work will not be "fine."  So, whoever interpreted the results either did it wrong, didn't order a comprehensive list of labs, or you are intaking more than this.

By the way, since you bothered making this thread in the first place...I'm guessing it's one of the first two.

sorry for your problems.  Hope you get to the bottom of them.
5'9.5" | HW: 368 | SW: 353 | CW: 155 +/- 5 lbs | Angel to kkanne