Too Fat To Be President?

Kim S.
on 10/18/11 12:04 am - Helena, AL
Like it or not, perception is reality, and most people perceive obesity to mean lazy and unhealthy.

I do not agree, but it is the world we live in.  This is likely the same reason I was repeatedly passed over for promotions when I was obese.  I was the one doing the work, just never got the pay and the title.  Some "normal" sized person that looked good in the boardroom was always my boss.

Ms. Cal Culator
on 10/18/11 12:18 am - Tuvalu

Like Cynthia said he had JUST had an ER visit for an MO-related condition.  If that's his STARTING point, he'd need a really strong VP...
Whacka Doodle
on 10/22/11 3:36 pm
The office of President of the United States is demanding physically, intellectually, and emotionally.  A human being who weighs 400+ pounds is not going to healthfully withstand these rigors.  

Interested in low-carb nutrition?  Thinking of trying Atkins? Want to try high-fat and/or high-protein eating?  Whether or not you have had (or are thinking about) WLS   

on 10/23/11 12:01 pm - South Metro, MN
I read all of your comments and am a bit puzzled.  Everyone on this board has had or is considering WLS-  why? Because being obese is unhealthy, causes a multitude of co-morbidities.  Weighing over 400 pounds means that he has mobility issues, probably sleep apena, potentialy diabetes and frankly could drop over dead any minute.
Would you want a 400+ pound fireman to come to your resque if your house was on fire? I don't think so, The Presidency is a highly stressful job, unless I wanted the VP  to be President.....
I would never vote for a grossly obese man or woman for President. 
on 10/25/11 1:33 am
I think the real issue would be who he has chosen as VP.  Because morbid obesity can KILL you and usually does.  I don't doubt his competency but I would worry about his liklihood of living to serve.    I was given a five year life expectancy before my bypass.  I took it seriously.  I took action and lost 140 pounds. 
I think the comments were legitimate concerns about his life expectancy if elected.
This too will pass, like a kidney stone but it will pass!
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