Recipe Exchange at Long Island Event Next Week!
DS on 09/27/23
There is going to be a table at the Long Island Conference for everyone to bring copies of their favorite WLS friendly recipes to swap and share. With the holidays and holiday parties fast approaching , this will be a good chance to try something new and share one of your favorites. I would suggest making 50+ or so copies of each recipe. I'm sure the hotel has a copier if someone runs short. I'll try and bring a ream of paper so there should'nt be an issue using the copier. See everyone at the conference.
This was Rich's idea, and we think it's great! Bring your recipes. We have not confirmed that we can use the copier at the hotel, so bring plenty! ...Kim
This was Rich's idea, and we think it's great! Bring your recipes. We have not confirmed that we can use the copier at the hotel, so bring plenty! ...Kim
Kim Gyurina, Event Manager
DS on 09/27/23
Yes, we absolutely were able to add an exchange to the Long Island Event! Drop off is Friday morning in the Huntington Room at 9 am-11 am. We'll have it open to the public on an honor system from noon on Friday until 6 pm on Saturday! If anyone has time to help sort Friday morning, we welcome the help! The Huntington Room is near the Grand Ballroom, and there will be signage!
Thanks for contributing!
Thanks for contributing!
Kim Gyurina, Event Manager
OOPS ,... I won't be getting in until sometime close to 3 pm on Friday driving down from Connecticut after my friend's treatment session ... our check-in time is 3 pm ...sorry I can't make the drop off but I will bring them just in case they can be added to the treasures you already have...and am willing to help out in whatever capacity...
DS on 09/27/23
That's no problem at all..we'll take your clothing at any time! We will be managing the Q & A that starts at 1 pm, so we'll be back and forth between the two. Thanks for the update! Have a safe drive!
Kim Gyurina, Event Manager