Happy Holloween ..What are you Handing The Trick or Treater's Healthy or Not Healthy?
My aunt used to get a huge bowl and fill it with cooked spaghetti, then add in eye ball bouncy balls and a tiny bit of green food dye. Not enough to turn their hands green but enough to look creepy and make them fish in that. Sometimes there would be sealed candy in it they could find and other times it was just for fun and then shed give them the candy after. We buy candy but all go trick or treating together so we only give out a lil before and after. I was a kid... I wanted candy... thats what its all about. Now there are fun things I have seen done... but theyre ******g expensive. My kids live for the house that does the glow sticks... I just cant spend that kinda money... unless its on Hudson Jeans or a Ribeye steak... I have done certificates for baskin robbins kids scoops thats costly too... and the mc donalds fry coupons
Actually, glow sticks arn't a bad idea! I know the dollar store sells them around this time of year. I might have to go check that out :-) I am unfortunately working on Halloween, but I still get to dress up, and hand out candy to the unfortunate children who's parents take them to the PD to trick-or-treat...and to the delinquents that my officers pick up LOL!