XP: I buried a friend last week.

Elizabeth N.
on 10/8/11 4:07 am, edited 1/1/12 10:22 pm - Burlington County, NJ

I have purposely deleted the content of this and my other posts in this thread.

on 10/8/11 5:24 am
I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm sorry to hear that your friend had so much suffering. 
Thank you for posting the story though.  I think its a very important message!
CW: 255 SW: 234 
on 10/8/11 5:49 am - TN
Sorry to hear about your friend's passing. Very sad...she was too young and I am sorry for what her husband and children must be going through.

Thanks for taking the time to post these wise words.



on 10/8/11 7:51 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I'm so sorry for your loss - I know the pain of losing a dear friend.

Thank you for this important - albeit tragic - post...

Keeping track of my progress without a scale...Starting size: 28-Current size: 6-Goal size: 14

sand SAND...it's not a club...it's a frame of mind...

Elizabeth N.
on 10/8/11 8:06 am, edited 1/2/12 10:22 am - Burlington County, NJ


on 10/8/11 10:26 am
I'm so sorry that you lost your friend.  This is an excellent post with excellent advice.  Thank you for taking the time to write it.

on 10/8/11 10:34 am - FL
RNY on 03/26/12
There is such a thing as wrong timing for surgery.
There is such a thing as wrong motivation for surgery.
There is such a thing as not being smart enough to have surgery.

Those are the exact reasons why it took me 10 years to finally decide to get WLS. It was not for me then. It is right for me now. Thanks for the post and so sorry for your loss.
on 10/8/11 10:44 am - Vancouver, WA

Bravo Elizabeth this is a much needed (should be a sticky!) post. It scares the bejeepers out of me sometimes when I read the pre-op and newbie posts, they often don't have a clue what they are doing or even why! I have to admit even I wasn't as educated as I should have been (and thought I was) otherwise I would never have gotten this crap band! I'm now hoping for a revision to a sleeve but thanks to you and other knowledgable folks here I am taking more time to make sure I know what I'm in for. I can't revise until medicare oks it so I have lots more time yet to go but I'm using it to read, read and read some more. Thank you for being willing to share your knowledge. My sympathy on the loss of so many friends to WLS, it should never be this way.
(deactivated member)
on 10/8/11 12:07 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
Elizabeth, THANK YOU for taking the time to post this. This is such an important message for all of us to read. This really touches me my heart right now, because I am currently arguing with my sister. She is getting ready to have the sleeve and has done pretty much zero research.

Yesterday I informed her that I would no longer support her in her quest for WLS because she isn't doing the research and I refuse to be responsible for her stupid ass.

I HOPE she has actually gotten off her ******g ass and is reading this right now.

Sending you my condolences Elizabeth.
on 10/8/11 6:35 pm
Elizabeth, thank you so much for this post!!!  You are SO right on all points.  It took me 10 years from the time I first thought about getting WLS to actually having the surgery.  For many reasons, it was not the right time until 2009, and then I KNEW I was doing the right thing.

SO SORRY for the loss of your friend.  

Michelle    (OH member since 2004 - new user name)

HW 285 / SW 270 / GW 140 / LW 135 / CW 185

RNY 6/8/2009  
Starting size 26/28, now size 12/14

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  -Hebrews 13:8
