Tell me again why i had Wls?!
(deactivated member)
on 10/6/11 12:14 am, edited 10/6/11 12:15 am
on 10/6/11 12:14 am, edited 10/6/11 12:15 am
one Chinese herb that REALLY helps with memory loss is Huperzine A available in teeny tiny little capsules from GNC and the Vitamin shoppe . Has been used for literally a thousand years in China and is absolutely safe and side effect free.
it works by helpingthe body to multiply the neuron pathways that naturally grow between brain and nerve cells which become less sensitive and/or die off as we age . When the brain is stimulated by say LEARNING a new task the meurons grow new pathways . well teh huperzine helps this process along .
It has helped me remeber peoples names etc I was introduced to casually ina business setting ........peopple really appreciate being recognized by name at a later date !
it works by helpingthe body to multiply the neuron pathways that naturally grow between brain and nerve cells which become less sensitive and/or die off as we age . When the brain is stimulated by say LEARNING a new task the meurons grow new pathways . well teh huperzine helps this process along .
It has helped me remeber peoples names etc I was introduced to casually ina business setting ........peopple really appreciate being recognized by name at a later date !
I generally don't post much about the advice others give, but one word of caution, if I may. Please be very careful about recommending herbs or other substances (natural or otherwise) to people who have chronic health conditions, be it cardiac problems or something else. You really do not know how this might effect that person or interact with current medications. The same holds true for certain activities that may be contraindicated.
On October 6, 2011 at 11:19 AM Pacific Time, Lisarn1 wrote:
I generally don't post much about the advice others give, but one word of caution, if I may. Please be very careful about recommending herbs or other substances (natural or otherwise) to people who have chronic health conditions, be it cardiac problems or something else. You really do not know how this might effect that person or interact with current medications. The same holds true for certain activities that may be contraindicated.To the OP (((HUGS)))
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha
Some people think we are trading one set of problems for another when we have WLS. I really don't want to go into that because we are all different. Some people resolve their health issues, some don't and some develop new ones on top of that. There are no guarantees. I was fairly healthy when I had my first WLS. No real commorbidity's to speak of. Now I have issues but a lot of that comes with age as much as anything.
As far as the memory goes, I definitely had problems when I wasn't taking enough supplements but even now I have a lot of problems with that. Unfortunately it is probably hereditary. My mother just passed away and she had very bad dementia but even in her best days she had a terrible memory. I have always had memory problems and I am worried I will turn out like my mother. My kids make fun of it but it is not funny. I do get all my supplements in, though. I have 2 pill containers that each hold a weeks worth of pills with 4 slots for each day. I fill that up every 2 weeks and have it predominately displayed in my kitchen so I can't forget every time I go in there. I would say I am 99% with my supplements. Sometimes I am not home but I try to carry extra in my purse in those occasions. I may forget my kids names sometimes but I hardly ever forget to take my vitamins.
As far as the memory goes, I definitely had problems when I wasn't taking enough supplements but even now I have a lot of problems with that. Unfortunately it is probably hereditary. My mother just passed away and she had very bad dementia but even in her best days she had a terrible memory. I have always had memory problems and I am worried I will turn out like my mother. My kids make fun of it but it is not funny. I do get all my supplements in, though. I have 2 pill containers that each hold a weeks worth of pills with 4 slots for each day. I fill that up every 2 weeks and have it predominately displayed in my kitchen so I can't forget every time I go in there. I would say I am 99% with my supplements. Sometimes I am not home but I try to carry extra in my purse in those occasions. I may forget my kids names sometimes but I hardly ever forget to take my vitamins.
WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010
High Weight (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.
I've not had my surgery yet, but I do have a memory from hell. They've even put me on that Aricept (stuff they give to alzheimers patients) for my memory......most of it is TOTALLY from stress. I'm not saying that yours is, but if your stressing unecessarily over stuff all the time, it can cause MAJOR memory problems. They also have a pill for excessive worrying. I worry all the time....constantly. If I'm not worried, hell, I worry about what I FORGOT to worry about.....and having my memory issues, it's a neverending cycle! If you're worrying so much that it affects your sleep etc......see someone and get some help for it. They make happy pills for people that worry...LOL

WLS only helps you lose weight. It provides no other promises. All those other things would likely have happened without your surgery and it would have likely been worse had you not lost weight.
I do not believe any of this a gastric bypass issue. These are unrelated health problems that could have developed as you've aged totally independent of WLS.
You're 54, things are going to start falling apart body wise. Just imagine how much WORSE all these health issues would be if you were still morbidly obese.
I do not believe any of this a gastric bypass issue. These are unrelated health problems that could have developed as you've aged totally independent of WLS.
You're 54, things are going to start falling apart body wise. Just imagine how much WORSE all these health issues would be if you were still morbidly obese.

Or click on my name
DS SW 265 CW 120 5'7"
First...To the original poster, I am so sorry you are going through this all right now. I can imagine how very stressful it all is, wrapping your head around it.
As to Ovarian cancer, I am an Ovarian cancer survivor and had it looooong before my WLS (when I was 32).. I have also fought a couple life threatening autoimmune diseases and many other health issues.
I am NOT a doctor, but I honestly doubt that your ovarian was "caused" by WLS. As to "forgetting" things...Hey, they make apps on phones, or alarm clocks or other things that beep and ring and REMIND yyou to take your vites and meds.
The only "hidden illness' that happened to me was my gallbladder removal and while in their, my surgeon found two Petersons hernias and a mesentary (sp?) hernia, with a 30% incarceration.
So much of ANY health journey (Ovarian cancer recovery, fighting dermatomyositis and other life threatening illnesses) is 70% your mental outlook. Positive is better. Negative is bad for your body, causes more depression which sets up a bad cycle.
I went from being IN a wheelchair and on many meds and on chemo to being off pretty much ALL that. I was given a few years to live...And you know what. Not to be blunt, but we are all going to die. That is the way of things. But can you find ONE positive thing from your WLS? Can you walk better? Bend over to tie your shoes? Wipe your own butt? (I could barely do any of those things).
If I died tomorrow, the WLS was so "worth it" because this last year+ has been literally one of the best of my life.
Again, I am sorry you are dealing with so much. ((((hugs))) that in itself is enough to drag someone down, make them depressed and question things. But we can only take what we are handed and do the best we can. Fight!
Good luck to you.
As to Ovarian cancer, I am an Ovarian cancer survivor and had it looooong before my WLS (when I was 32).. I have also fought a couple life threatening autoimmune diseases and many other health issues.
I am NOT a doctor, but I honestly doubt that your ovarian was "caused" by WLS. As to "forgetting" things...Hey, they make apps on phones, or alarm clocks or other things that beep and ring and REMIND yyou to take your vites and meds.
The only "hidden illness' that happened to me was my gallbladder removal and while in their, my surgeon found two Petersons hernias and a mesentary (sp?) hernia, with a 30% incarceration.
So much of ANY health journey (Ovarian cancer recovery, fighting dermatomyositis and other life threatening illnesses) is 70% your mental outlook. Positive is better. Negative is bad for your body, causes more depression which sets up a bad cycle.
I went from being IN a wheelchair and on many meds and on chemo to being off pretty much ALL that. I was given a few years to live...And you know what. Not to be blunt, but we are all going to die. That is the way of things. But can you find ONE positive thing from your WLS? Can you walk better? Bend over to tie your shoes? Wipe your own butt? (I could barely do any of those things).
If I died tomorrow, the WLS was so "worth it" because this last year+ has been literally one of the best of my life.
Again, I am sorry you are dealing with so much. ((((hugs))) that in itself is enough to drag someone down, make them depressed and question things. But we can only take what we are handed and do the best we can. Fight!
Good luck to you.
I do know some of this stress is menopause related..but still wish i wasnt feeling overwhelmed most times..I just had surgery on my esophagus this morning, trying to find out why i am having a hard time swallowing.. I am starting to make small changes, like cut way back on caffine..I drink it in the middle of the day to stay awake, I guess "just the idea" of having to make changes is stress enough for me..seems i am asked to do alot from family and fiance'..I am tired with having 9 heart surgeries but everyone ask's alot from me.which stress's me out the most..
7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
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