I ate what!!!
You know what is amazing to me is before he moved out he ate what I cooked and dropped 40lbs in a couple of months just by my changes. I've always thought of him as being supportive before he moved out. If I think about it too much I get confused and frustrated. I'm realizing I can't worry too much about him and his choices. Food or anything else for that matter. Hhmmm.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Wow - isn't it great to have a place where you can find friends who are willing to kick yours OR his OR yours and his.
3 pounds...think how far you've come and you can change that to "just 3 pounds" and know that you will do it. We all know that you can - and the surgery will help you take off even more!
You are worth it... Him...maybe - maybe not, but YOU are worth it!
3 pounds...think how far you've come and you can change that to "just 3 pounds" and know that you will do it. We all know that you can - and the surgery will help you take off even more!
You are worth it... Him...maybe - maybe not, but YOU are worth it!
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