Is it safe?

on 9/22/11 2:44 am, edited 9/22/11 2:45 am - Denver, CO

When you make the decision to have the surgery you are making a commitment to change your life right , but things don't always go as planned. I have lost 147 pounds from the time that I was at my highest of 356 till now and still have like at least 40 more to go  in order  to reach my personal goal. I was just thinking about using something like slimfast or some sort of supplement to help me get there faster. Has anyone known of someone who has used anything like that safely after surgery?

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lisa H.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kinda ironic
Birthday:     01/07/80

Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 9/22/11 3:21 am
I wouldn't use slim fast, I would see a doctor and get a higher quality weight loss shake like Ultrameal or something similar that has protein in it. Your doc would also be able to advise on how to avoid malnutrition while using a shake.
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Danny'sWife (Kylie)
on 9/22/11 3:30 am - murrieta, CA
hi. i have considered doing some sort of diet also to get the rest of the weight off... I have 40-80 lbs i still want to get off. i was considering going back on the liquid diet but idk if that is safe or not....
on 9/22/11 3:45 am - NJ
 While it's safe, its not really smart. What are you learning by going on a nother fad diet? What are you teaching yourself about living a healthy lifestyle and making permanat changes?

I would suggest you log your current food, see where you can make changes to your diet to help get your weightloss going again and maybe change up your fitness routine. 

Good luck.

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 9/22/11 3:49 am - Northern, CA
The problem with doing crash diets is that the weight pretty much doesn't stay off. Do you really want to get back into the cycle of yo-yo dieting that WLS was supposed to break? If it was me, I'd do something like Weigh****chers that gives me some tools I can use for the rest of my life to maintain my weight.

HW - 225 SW - 191 GW - 132 CW - 122
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Kathleen W.
on 9/22/11 5:49 am - Lancaster, PA
I'm with MacMadame.  You need something like Weigh****cher to keep you accountable for what you're putting into your mouth.  It may not be as fast as Slimfast or other supplement,  but it's healthier and more sustainable in the long run.  Also,  remember what you did in the beginning of your weight loss journey, right after surgery: protein first, then fruits/vegies, finally complex carbs,  remember your vitamins, get plenty of fluid, journal your diet lifestyle and make the appropriate changes, excercise.
Take care of yourself.

SW 327
GW 150
CW 126

