Two reasons why the Lap Band can't possibly work for everyone.

on 8/16/11 5:36 am, edited 8/16/11 5:37 am - NJ
My band injured me for life, and I know several other people right here on the board that it has done the same to. When I had my band I could never "eat what I wanted" I had to be super careful, no carbs (no rice, bread, pasta etc) out in public b/c it was a sure way to end up being uncomfortable, sick and in pain. I never kept my band tight, I always followed the "rules" and my band still almost killed me.

My "less invasive" surgery nearly killed me, lead me to have to have three major surgeries, several very invasive tests, many CT scans, x-rays and fluoroscopes (I guess I should be happy I am not glowing after all the radiation) and in the end it had to come out b/c it was killing me and there was no way to fix it.

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 8/16/11 12:24 pm
Hijacking here--it's GOOD to you see, Tripmom! I hope everything's going well for you, and your youngin's.
on 8/16/11 2:44 pm - NJ
Everything is pretty awesome over here! My revision went off without a hitch and I am finally feeling back to myself. The kids are growing to fast, but that can't be helped. 

I got suckered into another puppy, so now we have two rescue pups who have no clue that they are dogs, they think they are human. The new one is hysterical, she is about 9 months old (very small pit mix) and her and the baby are like two peas in a pod, best of friends! 

How are your pooches? 

Courtney - Lap band to VSG revision

on 8/16/11 5:40 am - somewhere, MD
I would be another example of where the band permanently damaged my esophagus.  That would be for life LOL , you dim wit.

SW= 268     
CW= 145  ***GOAL REACHED on Christmas Day 2010****             
5'6"       BMI= 23
 LapBand 3/2006 to Revision DS 12/2009
Get the FACTS about the Duodenal Switch at or

 Extended Tummy Tuck, BL/BA scheduled for 11/18/11 Dr. Larry Lickstein          
on 8/16/11 12:23 pm

Hi-jack!  I just had to break in and tell you that your avatar cracked me up!!!!!  It is so cute and so funny!!!!!!

I got my sleeve on March 14, 2011.  I love it so far!

on 8/16/11 2:38 pm - Athens, GA
On August 16, 2011 at 12:40 PM Pacific Time, strawberry28 wrote:
I would be another example of where the band permanently damaged my esophagus.  That would be for life LOL , you dim wit.

I just noticed your signature line. Reaching goal on Christmas...........What a wonderful Christmas present!!!



on 8/16/11 6:12 am
On August 16, 2011 at 11:33 AM Pacific Time, Undecided_2 wrote:
Exactly, NONE are perfect at least you get to live in most cir****tances if the band slips or even erodes and you are not injured for, with other surgeries if complications occurs it's usually death..

I was out to lunch last weekend with my sister and friend with RNY and she could not eat freely from the menu, it had to be all protein based, she was limited to baked fish and beans at 5 years post op, if she did not want to risk an embarrassing dumping attack in front of everyone, my sister with the band who is 4 years post op, ordered what she wanted, but just ate less of it.

Let's be fair here, if you are going to talk about dangerous surgeries, talk about the DS that most surgeons that I've talked to will not do, not because it's complicated but because it will kill patients easily if don't comply, if they live through the surgery itself,.if you don't comply with the band rules, you just don't lose weight or your band slips from being too tight, but if you don't comply with RNY or the DS you die or become extremely malnourished.

 yes, as many here have found out, you can be injured for life.

those people are understandably insulted that you seem not to understand or believe that. 

once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.

PM me if you are interested in either of these.

 size 8, life is great

(deactivated member)
on 8/16/11 6:17 am - San Jose, CA
Assuming you are not deliberately lying out of your ASS, then you have been LIED TO by surgeons who are not competent to do a DS, and are trying desperately to steer you away from a surgery you won't be able to PAY THEM FOR.

The patient *****cently died went to a surgeon who was apparently not competent to perform the procedure.  He was SUPPOSED to do it with an experienced DS surgeon in attendence - that surgeon bailed on the practice unexpectedly, and the inexperienced surgeon decided to go forward with a complicated band to DS revision on his own - and the patient died.

In the hands of a COMPETENT DS surgeon, the DS has the same complication rate in comparable patients as RNY.  If you look at the long term results, the risk analysis is quite different - lap banders have an over 50% complication/reoperation rate, many are now losing their bands, most are regaining to the point of morbid obesity, return of diabetes, etc.  While the DSers are happily tossing back a few vitamins and minerals, and eating 2500+ cal of delicious high protein, high fat food each day.  AND having cookies for dessert.

But I don't think you are a good candidate for a DS either, assuming you aren't just some troll, for a variety of reasons.  So you should just move along - nothing for you to see (or learn) here.
on 8/16/11 12:28 pm
On August 16, 2011 at 1:17 PM Pacific Time, DianaCox wrote:
Assuming you are not deliberately lying out of your ASS, then you have been LIED TO by surgeons who are not competent to do a DS, and are trying desperately to steer you away from a surgery you won't be able to PAY THEM FOR.

The patient *****cently died went to a surgeon who was apparently not competent to perform the procedure.  He was SUPPOSED to do it with an experienced DS surgeon in attendence - that surgeon bailed on the practice unexpectedly, and the inexperienced surgeon decided to go forward with a complicated band to DS revision on his own - and the patient died.

In the hands of a COMPETENT DS surgeon, the DS has the same complication rate in comparable patients as RNY.  If you look at the long term results, the risk analysis is quite different - lap banders have an over 50% complication/reoperation rate, many are now losing their bands, most are regaining to the point of morbid obesity, return of diabetes, etc.  While the DSers are happily tossing back a few vitamins and minerals, and eating 2500+ cal of delicious high protein, high fat food each day.  AND having cookies for dessert.

But I don't think you are a good candidate for a DS either, assuming you aren't just some troll, for a variety of reasons.  So you should just move along - nothing for you to see (or learn) here.
Diana, I applaud your attemps to persuade this infant---but she doesn't seem inclined to accept new knowledge. She's been here for several weeks already, and has her ass over her shoulders. We simply CAN'T save them all.

Just keep preaching--SOME will listen. Some won't.
on 8/16/11 12:15 pm
On August 16, 2011 at 11:33 AM Pacific Time, Undecided_2 wrote:
Exactly, NONE are perfect at least you get to live in most cir****tances if the band slips or even erodes and you are not injured for, with other surgeries if complications occurs it's usually death..

I was out to lunch last weekend with my sister and friend with RNY and she could not eat freely from the menu, it had to be all protein based, she was limited to baked fish and beans at 5 years post op, if she did not want to risk an embarrassing dumping attack in front of everyone, my sister with the band who is 4 years post op, ordered what she wanted, but just ate less of it.

Let's be fair here, if you are going to talk about dangerous surgeries, talk about the DS that most surgeons that I've talked to will not do, not because it's complicated but because it will kill patients easily if don't comply, if they live through the surgery itself,.if you don't comply with the band rules, you just don't lose weight or your band slips from being too tight, but if you don't comply with RNY or the DS you die or become extremely malnourished.
you are going to talk about dangerous surgeries, talk about the DS  that most surgeons that I've talked to will not do, not because it's complicated but because it will kill patients easily if don't comply, if they live through the surgery itself,.

Most surgeons that YOU have talked to are incompetent to actually DO the DS---it's the very top of the surgical skill-set, and yes, when performed by sub-par surgeons, many patients DO die---either immediately, or because of inadequate pre-op education or post-op aftercare.

Sorry you're so stupid/uneduated.

Get the Band--it's all you can cope with.
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