30 Year class reunion update

on 8/14/11 1:05 am
Hi OH Friends!
It has been a busy week, school started and my computer was acting up. I was in here worrying about my lips, peeling scalp and bug bites before my 30th class reunion...I shouldn't have been so worried!

I ROCKED that reunion!! For all of you that had "the dream" in high school, you know the one? I would dream of the day I could waltz back in to the school looking great instead of being the largest girl in my class. Last week-end, that dream was realized!

I still tear up when I remember their faces...I shocked the hell out of them!! Woohoo!! It was more awesome than I have the vocabulary to describe. You see, we had name tags on but most people looked down, saw my name tag, then looked at me again...LMAO!! It was so cool!!

I know I sound just a little conceited but folks, my high school days were torture for me. I never had a date, never was asked to the prom or a dance and was called every "fat name" in the book. Did people like me? Sure they did, I was funny, kind and a "push-over". I never caused any problems because I wanted to be liked. I'm still working on that one. I am much better!

OK, the high point was when a crowd was pushing by and a classmate (now quite large) turned to me and said, "skinny ass *****"...WAAHOOO!! I was on top of the world!! I turned to a group of guys and repeated it and they all gave me high fives and said, "you have pissed off more than a few of them tonight". Mwahhh ha ha!! I just danced all the harder.

I danced all night for both nights, this was a two night deal. First night was casual and the second night was indoors and bit more dressy. They were watching everything I ate and drank...snicker...I made sure I put two brownies on my plate! Hahahaha! Of course I didn't eat both but I made an effort, then I danced those calories right off!

Sorry this was so long but I had the time of my life. In my head, I called it "vindication day". I was the same person I always was but I danced and had confidence I never had at any other reunion. People complimented me all night but what I loved best was how I felt about me. Thank you to everyone that gave me the confidence to go....even though my lips were sunburned, my head was peeling and I had bugs bites all over my legs from Mexico...lol! It was awesome and by Friday night, all those issues had calmed down as well as myself! Thank you!!     Connie
on 8/14/11 1:46 am
Thank you Esther! I know a great majority of people here were hurt a lot in school. I have great memories of high school but I also suffered pain and hurt feelings. I am responsible for most of it because I take full responsibility for overeating. I did have a great time! Many people commented on how popular I had always been? Really? Why didn't they tell me then...LOL!    Connie
on 8/14/11 1:30 am
 Congratulations on  "vindication day"!  I'm sure you deserve every moment of that joy!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 8/14/11 1:52 am
Thank you Sandy!  I couldn't stop smiling!! I am so glad I went! Yesterday was my 48th birthday and I started at 4:30 at the teacher depot center...similar to "Black Friday" but a free supply day for teachers...lol...it was great! My day continued on to Starbucks, Kohls, The School Box, lunch with Hubby and In-Laws, the pool and home to cook supper! Wow...no way three years ago! Thank you!!     Connie
on 8/14/11 2:32 am
 I had a similar experience about a year ago and still smile when I think about it - go you!

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody  else up"                     
      Mark Twain                                                       LW-Apple-Gold-Small.jpg image by PlicketyCatAnimation One      


on 8/14/11 3:00 am
 I love love love loved reading this!!! oh I enjoyed every single word of it!!!! I am sooooooooooooo happy you went and not only enjoyed your reunion but ROCKED IT!!! How awesome is that? I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! What and AWESOME and well deserved 'vindication day'  .... 

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on 8/14/11 9:52 am
Thank you Martitalinda!  Thank you so much! I enjoy your posts and you are very sweet and uplifting. I know I sounded a bit selfish (just a tiny bit) but it was so awesome feeling loved and popular. All the guys were complimenting me...and a lot of the girls but best of all, I was happy with myself. I am still considered "overweight" but I felt light as air! It was so wonderful!

You know kids can be cruel. I lived in a small town in high school and there were not many stores. The few stores we had did not carry many larger sizes. Mom would order "pretty Plus" from Sears but styles were limited. Other kids often teased me about wearing "the same pant" day after day and I would innocently tell them, "they are clean, I just have five pairs of the same style".  It was awful.

Like I said, I was liked but I was also taunted and teased a lot. It was great to show up and look so thin...compared to my childhood and all the past reunions! What a great feeling! Thank you for understanding!      Connie
Still Fawn
on 8/14/11 11:10 am - SIERRA MADRE, CA
Sometimes you can just FEEL the emotions in a post, and your happiness is just emanating from my screen right now! I am so happy you went, and not surprised in the least that you rocked it. I was not heavy in high school, but I never felt comfortable in my skin either, and certainly wasn't popular.. And I can't wait to rock my next reunion since I was too embarrassed to go to my last one.. Congrats!

 I am still loving life with my sleeve! Been maintaining at or below goal for over 4 years!
"People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within."   - Ramona L. Anderson

on 8/14/11 1:14 pm
Thanks Fawn! Yes, I am still glowing with happiness! It was just so great! Maybe by my 35th, I will have the panni removal and not make flappy noises when I jump...lol! I think you will have a blast when you go too!      Connie