NO Weight Loss yet 15 days post op ds ???????? help me understand please

roxi's mom
on 8/8/11 6:29 am - TN
i have my records and xray and i would never go back to that office again.  i am trying to get in with a dr here locally.  i was self pay and my insurance didnt cover.  hope to get in with a dr this week.
on 8/8/11 1:21 pm
 wow. I just read your hospital account. Sorry it was such a nightmare! I hope you will be able to find a doctor who will review your records and let you know exactly what was done to you...please keep us posted.
roxi's mom
on 8/8/11 9:23 pm - TN
thanks sweetie me too.
on 8/9/11 4:06 am - OKC, OK
It sounds like your weight loss at this point should not be an issue. It will come but it may take time. I tend to be impatient too and just had to accept that it is what it is.

Do you have a PCP? What plans did you have for post op follow up locally? Many surgeons will shy away from taking on another surgeon's patient this early out.
SW  257    CW  169  GW  165
Mary Catherine
on 8/8/11 3:55 am
 I was up to 176 and oral medications were no longer providing enough help for diabetes.  My doctor said RNY would be a better choice than insulin.  He said that insulin would put 30 pounds on me no matter how much I dieted and exercised. I thought RNY was overkill.  Insulin immediately added 20 pounds, but good blood sugar control.

 Ten years later, I was up to 207 and blood sugars too high.  When the doctor suggested another oral pill, I said I was ready for RNY. I did not know about DS or the switch.  Four years after RNY I am again concerned about diabetes.  It recurs in many RNY post-ops after five years.

I believe the best choice available now is DS.  It should give long term malabsorption as well as freedom from diabetes.

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