on 7/31/11 7:28 am - bay area, CA
I was thinking the same thing as Diana, wondering what operation you really have had. He isn't known for doing the DS. Definitely request your operative report, even if it's in Spanish. You can always get it translated, and you may need it for future medical care, and you definitely need to know what operation you had to make sure you get the post-op nutrition that you need.
     And to any pre-ops reading this - there is nothing wrong with the idea of going to another country for medical care, but you must keep in mind that you don't have the same protections that you would have here. It's all pay up front, with no recourse if things are not as you were told they would be, or if something goes wrong, or if you don't even get the care you paid for. Hospitals are not accredited the way they are here, etc etc.
     There are excellent surgeons doing wls in many countries, in modern, clean hospitals with good nursing care. There are also people who are just in it for the money. And you certainly can't believe what some coordinator tells you, as they are paid by their employers to bring in patients, and they will OF COURSE tell you how wonderful the care is, OF COURSE your sister can stay with you, etc etc.
     If you don't see a lot of info about a particular surgeon or facility, ASK. There may be a really good reason that you aren't seeing anything about that practice. And a big thank you to Melissa for posting about her awful experience.

roxi's mom
on 7/31/11 7:58 am - TN
Thanku I have requested records so I will see what they say and go from there but plan to end up at the dr here to see what's going on from there. Thanku
on 7/31/11 7:38 am - Northern, CA
And when you are doing research and you find complaints about the doctor you are considering, please don't dismiss them with "every doctor has complaints". Yes, even the very best surgeon in the world has complications. But the RATE of complications is not the same between the best and the worst.

Also, with the bottom feeders in Mexico, their patient coordinators will tell you that every single complaint you see is a lie posted by a paid poster of a competing surgeon or someone who is "jealous" of that doctor's practice. It's ridiculous, yet people who want to save money will buy these arguments hook, line and sinker.

What you need to think about is this: how many surgeons have those sorts of complaints about them and use that as their defense? It's only a handful of doctors in Mexico who have a much higher incidence of complications than the ones who are slightly more expensive. I would hope your life is worth a few extra thousand dollars.

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roxi's mom
on 7/31/11 7:55 am - TN
Yes of course is worth couple hundred more. I just honestly felt good about everything or id never done it. Stupid sounding maybe but to me I was confortable and the coordinators do lend to that so well but its done and I'm home and will follow up with a dr here and make sure all is good from this point on
on 7/31/11 8:01 am
Thanks for posting this. I'm so sorry your experience in Mexico was such an awful ordeal. I had my surgery in Puerto Vallarta with Dr. Castaneda Cruz and from the hotel to the surgery was a wonderful experience. I hope that others considering your surgeon will heed your warning.....Hope is all is well with you! 
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin
Emily F.
on 7/31/11 8:04 am
I am sorry you had a horrible experience, I hope you stay on the board and remind people of your care for when they want to save a few bucks.

Also, please go to the ds board and research the way you should take care of yourself. Your labs need to be check regularly and since you do not have a ds surgeon to help you, you need to learn what labs to ask for and what range you should stay at. This is your responsibility.

You need to get getting plenty of fluids and protein now. You really need to take care of yourself. Stay in contact. Best wishes.
roxi's mom
on 8/1/11 5:57 am - TN
Well I do know all I'm suppose to do with vitamins and biannual checkups. I did read up like crazy bout everything ds but thanku
on 8/1/11 8:45 am - IA
No need to be so dismissive of our lovely Emily...she is only trying to help you.  I would get my ass over to the DS forum (as so many have already suggested to you)!

Ok...I hate to say this but I'm going to b/c it might help you in the long run...You read up on the DS like crazy and yet STILL went to an unvetted DS surgeon in Mexico?!?!?!  And I don't think I ever saw you post ANY questions on the DS forum...

Ok - if you know what your need to do with vites and labs - what are you supposed to be doing?  Which labs should you have run?  What vites/supplements should you be taking?  How much protein per day should you be taking in?  How many ounces of fluids should you be pushing to get in per day? 

I seriously fear for your health and life post-op whatever was done to you in Mexico.
Elizabeth N.
on 8/2/11 12:38 am - Burlington County, NJ
Honey, from the way you did your surgeon "research," we have good reason to worry about whether you did sufficient and appropriate research about how to live with the DS. It's pretty clear that your research skills leave a lot to be desired.

on 8/2/11 7:11 am
This is very kind and brave of you to post so soon after such a bad experience. And you shouldn't allow anyone to make you feel bad, or to feel stupid. Do you really think anyone knew what they were getting into before they got into it?
Try to search back on such posts as " what do you wish you had known before surgery". We all try to know as much as possible, but not everyone has the same experience even with the same surgeon and hospital.
You are so fortunate to have come through it and I hope you have the surgery you went for.
I went to India, and ended up with a hybrid surgery, a RNY pouch with a 200cm common channel. My vits are great, and I am maintaining well at 6 years out but.............. I am not even sure if I would change anything now that it's gone so well for me.
I hope everything works out just as you need for it to.
Best wishes,
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