" Water Drinking Hurts" 3 weeks out of RNY help..

on 7/28/11 2:45 pm - KISSIMMEE, FL
 I'm frustrated because something as simple as drinking water is causing my stomach an aching cramping INSTANTANEOUS pain... but it goes away.. and the water is room temp. Also, every time I take attempt to an outdoor adventure to walk or shop I'm short of breath and weak . I've been out my house 3 times and my first trip to walmart trying walk the store almost sent me to the hospital.. per the dr's statement (I was dehydrated and not getting enough calories). I can't eat a full pudding, yogurt, or applesauce at one sitting. I hope I past this phase soon. ANY HELP WOULD BE GRATEFUL... THANKS
Elizabeth N.
on 7/28/11 3:29 pm - Burlington County, NJ
1. GO TO THE ER. You desperately need fluids.

2. Take smaller sips. Use a measuring spoon and try one teaspoon. If that's too big, try 1/2 teaspoon. Sit there with a timer and take one doable sip per minute. If it's one teaspoon, it will take 6-1/2 hours out of your day to get the minimum 64 oz. 13 hours at 1/2 teaspoon per minute. This is necessary for LIFE TO KEEP ON.

You do not need food. You need HYDRATION.

3. Try other beverages and other temperatures.

4. There is no such thing as eating a full ANYTHING at one sitting. You can take in about a tablespoon of food per sitting. So get used to it, use a timer and work at it.

5. Since you are dehydrated and consuming no nutrition, of COURSE you are weak. You have been trying to do too much. "Walking" is around your dining room, or around the house, or to the mailbox and back. It isn't "exercise."

Dave Chambers
on 7/28/11 4:36 pm - Mira Loma, CA

Dehydration will send you back to the hospital quickly.  Water is troublesome for some post ops to get used to. Some postops like room temp, some chilled. Some patients say they can only drink water if lemon is added, or if some type of fruit juice is added.  SF popsicles are another option.  I have a Rival snowcone maker. Regular ice cubes are shaved down and you add SF flavorings. Rival snowcone maker and Rival SF flavors are at Walmart.  When you say you "can't eat a full...", how big is that?  8 oz? That may be the issue, it's too much volume to tolerate.  2 oz servings are highly suggested for almost all RNY post ops.  You may also want to get your labs done to check your vitamin levels too. I think you need to call your doctor for help. DAVE

Dave Chambers, 6'3" tall, 365 before RNY, 185 low, 200 currently. My profile page: product reviews, tips for your journey, hi protein snacks, hi potency delicious green tea, and personal web site.
                          Dave150OHcard_small_small.jpg 235x140card image by ragdolldude

(deactivated member)
on 7/28/11 6:57 pm - Santa Cruz, CA
If you haven't yet keeled over please go to the ER or Urgent Care or your doctor's office and get some IV fluids;  you can get desperately dehydrated very quickly.

When you get home, try different temperatures of drinking water;  some can only do room temp, others do better with warmer, I myself found cold water to be difficult for quite a while.

Eating anything is a chore;  don't try to do more than a couple of tablespoonsful at a time, and at
that, do it s-l-o-w-l-y. 

Good luck.
on 7/28/11 8:08 pm
Hi there, I hope you have gone to the ER for IV fluids.  Can you post to let us know how you are doing?

So Blessed!
on 7/28/11 10:46 pm

  Try drinking WARM beverages. 

Early out my pouch did not like plain water.  It would make me sick as a dog.  It was much easier to tolerate when I added a little bit of lemon to it.

Things like herb tea and sugar free Popsicles add to your fluid intake too. 

Don't worry about calories so much right now as getting in fluids. 
on 8/6/11 2:41 am - KISSIMMEE, FL
Hello my oh family....I'm over the water pain HUMP.....well I WSNT TO THANK EACH OF U.FOR THE INFO N CONCERNS ... ALL WAS HELPFUL...I. discovered changing the temp n adding flavors helped a million ....ty Mwah
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