Upcoming Knoxville TN event

on 7/28/11 4:08 am - Knoxville, TN
Good Afternoon everyone...I came across this event coming to Knoxville Tennessee in August. It is FREE!! 3 day event on exercise and nutrition. See ya there.


May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.

on 7/28/11 11:23 am

That sounds great. I have just started the initial steps for the sleeve procedure so hopefully will have surgery first of next year, but I have to lose between 20-25 lbs. before surgery.

I am also a TN. gal! Good luck and keep up the good work!
on 7/28/11 11:42 am - Knoxville, TN
 Thank you so very much! I am very determined to find myself. I am 47 and am NOT getting any younger. Now if I could only find the guts to journal nightly that would be a huge accomplishment.
Where abouts in TN? I grew up North of Memphis. Brighton.

May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.

on 7/28/11 12:28 pm - TN
Hi there!...I saw that you are from Knoxville, my surgeon is located in Knoxville.  I'm new to the using the forum. Have  you had your WLS yet?
on 7/28/11 12:40 pm - Knoxville, TN

Hey Neighbor...you will have to ride on over and grab some coffee or water. My surgery will be done at UT Dr. Mancini is doing it. And no I haven't had it yet. I am still in the process....have done 3 of 6 visits. Went to inital Seminar and support group there UT last weekend..So hoping to have it in a couple of months.

May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.

on 7/28/11 12:45 pm

I'm 48 so a little older and have been in good health but starting to see some severe joint stiffness and pain,etc. Which procedure are you having?
on 7/28/11 9:44 pm - Knoxville, TN
My insurance only covers the RNY or Band...My doc and I decided the band would be the best option and I am very comfortable with it.

May the wind always be at your back and the shinning sun be on your face.

on 7/28/11 12:43 pm

I live between Knoxville and the Great Smoky Mtn. - the group I am going to is Foothills Weight Loss Specialist. Great educational and support groups. They had had good success with the sleeve procedure.