PRE-OPS ONLY! Post-ops, read about the DS at your own risk

on 7/27/11 12:00 pm
You have a BMI of 57---you NEED agressive!

Let him do some reading on the Revision board, and have him read this thread: -Fail-the-Procedure-or-Does-the/

and this stric-Bypass-RNY-Read-This/#36623665

Elizabeth N.
on 7/27/11 12:04 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Why shouldn't you get an "aggressive" procedure? What's his problem with it? In what way does he consider it to be "aggressive"?

For me that was a major selling point. I weighed 400 pounds and was dying. I needed the one that was most likely to WORK and work long term. I needed a cure for my intractible type II diabetes, too.

on 7/27/11 12:11 pm
On July 27, 2011 at 7:04 PM Pacific Time, Elizabeth N. wrote:
Why shouldn't you get an "aggressive" procedure? What's his problem with it? In what way does he consider it to be "aggressive"?

For me that was a major selling point. I weighed 400 pounds and was dying. I needed the one that was most likely to WORK and work long term. I needed a cure for my intractible type II diabetes, too.

Amen! When you need to kill an elephant, you'd BETTER use an elephant gun.
Elizabeth N.
on 7/27/11 2:51 pm - Burlington County, NJ
Yup. You don't take down a grizzly with a BB gun, or even a .22 for that matter.

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/11 12:19 pm - San Jose, CA
"my only problem is that my Husband thinks it's too agressive."

When he has done HIS research, here, on PubMed, on the DS Forum, on, THEN he gets to opine about "too aggressive."  Until then? Pffttt.

While I agree that it is far better to get your family on board with your decision, this is YOUR life, not his.  He may live NEXT to you, but he doesn't live inside your skin.  Only you can make this decision.  He gets input, but not a vote.

My husband had never seen me diet.  By the time I met him, I had no more diets in me.  He initially thought I was "looking for the easy way out, the magic pill."  I straightened him out about that.

Oh, and by the way - the easy way out is sometimes the SUPERIOR way out.  I don't know about you, but pounding my laundry on rocks is not "better" or "more virtuous" than using my new LG beauties.  Better living through modern medicine, that's what I say.
Fo' Shizzle My Sizzle
on 7/27/11 12:37 pm, edited 7/27/11 12:41 pm
I got all kinds of crap from my father-in-law about the DS being so "extreme" so I put it to him like this:

Is it not "extreme" to do the following:

1) Take stimulants and amphetamines (which is what diet drugs actually are) over a period of several months, if not years, to reduce appetite just to make a low calorie diet temporarily bearable?
2) Living at the gym, exercising to the point of exhaustion, and also at the time management expense of not seeing one's family for more than a half-hour a day?
3) Try diet after diet after diet, even though they put you at risk for malnutrition?
4) Cut back one's daily calories to 600 calories a day on a liquid diet?
5) For some diabetics: inject yourself with lizard spit twice a day (Byetta, which is a synthetic version of a chemical found in Gila Monster spit... Which is why it's gets the moniker). Note: this is also used to treat syndrome X and PCOS.

Ask them if any of those sound extreme, and how many times have so many of us done those things on that list only to have it fail? I did all that crap, some of them several times.

Meanthile the DS just requires that you eat 100grams of protein, take your vites, and get your blood labs checked- all the while you'd be losing weight without dangerous drugs, crazy diets, or any unrealistic expectations of spending more time at the gym than you can afford. Not to mention the 95%+ remission of type 2 diabetes is an enormous perk (I don't know the exact percentage off the top of my head, but it's rather impressive).

For great WLS info join me here and here

on 7/27/11 2:50 pm - AL
When my partner talked to my surgeon he was convinced when the surgeon told him that it is true that in Europe they are doing the switch part of the DS for normal weight people with Type II Diabetes and that his complication rate was no different than the complication rate for the RnY.

But the bottom line is that it is my body and my decision and his job to support me (which he did.)


on 7/27/11 1:57 pm

While I do feel that some of your posts come off as aggressive. Do they bother me? Nope. Why? I am a firm believer in education. Some surgeons don't even inform their patients of the ds, why? b/c they don't perform them. My friend in Boston last year got RNY, when I question her as to why she chose that over the VS, or DS she has NO clue as to what I was talking about. To me, that seems a little crazy. How are you going to let a dr. rearrange you insides and NOT know all of your options?

A lot of people who are new and come to this board have never heard of the ds and If your post stops one person and really makes then research ALL of their options then you have done your job. Keep on rocking your ds posts.
**SHELLY**   HW: 316   SW: 256   GW: 125  CW: 118       

on 7/27/11 3:01 pm - AL

(deactivated member)
on 7/27/11 4:04 pm - San Jose, CA
On the one hand, I am fulfilled to be lucky enough to know that my posts (together with the posts of other DSers and even RNYers, VSGers and bandsters who support what I say, most of whom inform others in different tones of voice, providing the information in multiple ways that get through to different newbies - hence the Good Cop, Bad Cop theme) HAVE saved people from making an uniformed decision.

But perhaps just as much, I am glad that posts like this will prevent the people who go have a different surgery anyway from coming back and whining that "nobody TOLD me I had another option!!"  That just ****** me off.

As for the ******** who object to these posts because "people can find this out by themselves - you don't have to annoy me by telling them about it" I say SCREW YOU.  Every time I or another DSer starts one of these posts, we get the same thing - someone saying they never heard of the DS.  So until the DS becomes better known, and until surgeons fully and accurately disclose to their patients that they have choices other than the surgeries that the ones the surgeon is skilled and/or qualified enough to perform, these posts will continue. rom-DSers-posting-on-other-forums/
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