guess I'm in another stinkin stall

on 6/24/11 5:48 am - CA
I've been averaging 3-4 lb a week loss since my surgery on Apr 25 for a total of about 34 lbs. I had a 10 day stall at 3 wks and now on week 9 I'm stuck again at having only lost 1 lb in 10 days. For you experienced people out there have you noticed a pattern to your stalls and about how often did they happen for you?
on 6/24/11 5:56 am
 I check the scale everyday, but I don't let it make me crazy. I didn't move on the scale for a month, then I dropped 10 pounds in a week. Your body is adjusting. If ten days and only one pound is gonna drive you bonkers, I highly suggest weighing once a month instead. I think it's hard for some of us, after many failed diets, to not be afraid that "this is it, I'm gonna gain it all back or I'm not gonna lose anymore".  I lose a lot. Then I stop for a couple weeks. Then my weight creeps up a teeny bit (like 3 pounds) then I drop a ton again. That is my pattern, and seems to be the weight loss pattern for a lot of DS folks. HTH
 "Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

"What your heart thinks is great, is great. The soul's emphasis is always right." Ralph Waldo Emerson    
on 6/24/11 8:28 am
You are doing just fine.  Everyone is different so try not to compare.  I weighed every day but wasn't too concerned if the scale didn't move.  Just stick to your plan and try to be patient.  You will see results--you can take that to the bank!

HW 240/ SW 229/ GW 146/CW 125; OH Support Group Leader   

Starting size:  18W-20;  Present size: 0 or 2; 5'5-1/2" tall. 
Current BMI 20.4 as of 2/13/2013 (normal for the first time in my life).
Goal weight reached on 8/12/2010; As of 1/13/2013, 21 pounds below goal

Just Ducky - The
Meditative Hag

on 6/24/11 8:50 am - Belleville, IL
Yes, this is normal...No one just loses gobs of weight constantly. If they tell you they do, they are lieing.

Think of losing weight, like stairs decending. There is a step OFF (the weight loss which is 2-4 lbs) then a FLAT part (the step or "stall") which lasts anywhere from a few days to a month. Then another step down.

I'm finished losing now, (At least I hit my goal, what my body decides to do is up to it) BUT I have NEVER lost in a straight downward spiral. My longest plateau (step) was nearly 2 and a half MONTHS around 7 months out. Most of the time I am losing INCHES, and that is what you should be measuring as well.

Good luck in your journey.
Judi J.
on 6/24/11 10:50 am - MN
thats how it was explained to me back in the old days and I remember feeling much relief, but every time I try to explain the stair step analogy to people I get it horribly garbled, you did much better than I ever have! :)
on 6/24/11 10:32 am
I had a 3 month stall with the lapband and thought I was done for after 50 lbs then it picked right back up until I had lost 113 lbs.. I gained some back when they had to remove all the saline but I am sure I will have a similar experience with my revision.

Most of all dont give up that will only make you feel worse. Take it in stride and know you're doing the right thing then one day when you weigh you will have a suprise.

Do what I did have someone (I had my husband) Hide the scale from me (he put it in the trunk of his car) for a week and only weigh once a week or every other week. That makes you work hard for the 'day' you have to weigh in.
Elizabeth N.
on 6/24/11 11:42 am - Burlington County, NJ
You have lost 34 pounds in 9 weeks for an average of almost 4 pounds per week. In what universe is this slow loss? You have lost 30% of your excess weight in barely two months. This is something to be celebrated! Relax and keep following yourprogram. You will be just fine.

on 6/25/11 8:48 am - Rochester, MI
I never stalled, but lost only 2 pounds a week after the first month. The good news is I always lost. Avoid simple carbs and up the fish as a protein source. Keep it honest and you will be rewarded.