WETEO's - Whatcha Eatin' Today Everyone?
my eats for today are:
B- coffee with truvia and non dairy ff creamer
S- 4 turkey sausage balls with 1 TBS of ranch (the sausage balls are about 1/2 the size of a golf ball)
L- Chicken and cheese on low carb tortilla
S- Nothing..i was at my hubby's aunts funeral
D- 4oz BBQ chicken and 1 cup of lettuce with cukes, bell pepper, onion and tomato. 2 TBS light ranch dressing and 5 croutons and 1 TBS sunflower seeds.
Hey yaw'll ....... HAPPY HUMP DAY! It's 11:42 and I am just now getting to posting today. Long day!!!
Carbs and calories are a littlel higher today because of the fruit I ate.......... but the proteins are high too ... and THAT'S A GOOD THANG! LOL .... Walked 4 miles today!
B: 1 bagel thin with 1 T. honey, 4 oz. baked chicken breast
S: 1 carbmaster yogurt mixed with 2/3 c. cottage cheese & diced peaches
L: 4 oz. chicken breast, spinach salad
S: 1/2 pack of 100 calorie ritz bitz
D: Chicken berry almond salad (1/2) and small chili from Wendy's
S: Banana with 1 T. peanut butter
Totals: 1586 calories, 144 carbs, 49 fats, 145 proteins

Starting: 370, Current: 198.5, Goal: 190

1 pkg reduced sugar oatmeal
1/2c 2% milk
50g cashew, almond, dried cranberry mix
xl coffee 1 sugar, 2 cream
45g protein drink
the insides of a chicken quesadilla
1/2c dark chocolate ice cream
6 strawberries
1 small peach
20g sharp cheddar
40g cashew, almond, dried cranberry mix (I am so addicted to this stuff, once it is gone I am not buying it again)
Have a good night!
Aw Lisa I sure hope you are feeling better by now! Must tru those oatmeal cookies too they sound delish. So my eating yesterday went well UNTILL everyone had gone to bed and I snuck in bad food sigh... must do better today. I really hate myself when I do that, it reminds me so much of the old sneak and binge eating
B: pu ehr tea (diuretic) 2 cups with my supplements
B: 200 mls of skim SF fruit yoghurt with protwin powder and CalMagD powder in it
l: protein breakfast bar (300 cals and 20 grams protein)
s: salad of leeks, onion, raisiins, apple with low fat mayonaise and chilisauce
d: 2 wholewheat sandwiches (taken seperately within in 2 hours) with philadelphia light, chicken filet (about 100 grams), onions and chili sauce
Not bad! I worked all day very hard and in the evening the hair dresser came and now I have a cute short haircut eeeek!!!
but after all went to bed my munchy monster snuk out :-(
Late night snakcs: 1 slice of cheese, 2 sultana biscuits, 3 atkins SF oreo type biscuits and 1 small cup of SF icecream
SIGH. That's about 500 cals right there that I should not have eaten. But try not to beat myself up about it! Plan for today (thursday): eat well, go to bed with everyone else and so sneak eating! Unfort no time to exercise again today