Can I really do this? Reality setting in.

on 5/9/11 8:20 am - Germantown, MD
Thanks, Ms. Batt.  As my nutritionist reminds me, sometimes you suffer consequences after pigging out when you aren't a surgery candidate.  Have a whiskey for me this week :)
on 5/8/11 1:17 pm - CA
I haven't had soda since before surgery. I don't miss it (much)

You will have TONS of yummy meals - they will be smaller and less sugar/fat etc and more protein. Dessert for me is fruit or a bite of protein bar. I don't drink.

You make it through the diet one meal at a time and stay focused. These next 2 weeks are a drop in the bucket - and insurance for a new life.

Your surgery date will be here before you know it!!

Remember, whatever you focus on is what will grow - so stay focused on anything besides what you CAN'T have and put your game face on.


I have wasted enough of my life worrying about what people think of me.
on 5/9/11 8:22 am - Germantown, MD
Thanks, Binda.  "Insurance for a new life" is exactly the kind of perspective I was hoping for when I posted that.  And to distract me tonight, I am headed out to walk the dog!
Carrie N.
on 5/8/11 2:51 pm - Pigeon Forge, TN
I did not have to do a liquid diet.  I ate what I wanted right up until midnight the night before surgery.  I was TERRIFIED of that, in all honesty, and relieved.

Personally, I can eat whatever I want.  Sometimes (lately) my appetite is huge and I can go to Fuddrucker's and eat an entire burger and half an order of onion rings.  Sometimes a steak dinner.  Sometimes I go out and have one bite and I am done.  I drink soda.  Always diet, but not a big adjustment, since I have been drinking diet soda since I was 8 years old.  LOL.....remember Tab?

You will be fine.  It is scary at the beginning, but I found that, right after surgery, I suddenly lost interest in food.  Honestly, for a couple years, even though I could eat, I had to remind myself.  Yes, life is different, but not as much as you might think.

Best wishes to you!
385/199 goal/139 current
6' Tall

Surgery Date 8/2/2005
on 5/9/11 8:26 am - Germantown, MD
Thanks, Carrie.  This is definitely going to be a mind over matter task.  My insurance seemed pretty discouraging about soda, even diet, but so many people on OH have been telling me they handle it okay.  Going without Diet Coke would be one of the hardest things for me to give up.  Easier than Tab!  LOL
on 5/8/11 3:48 pm - Louisville, KY
Hi, My name is Michelle and I am currently on the pre op diet.. I started last tuesday and My surgery is this tues on the 10th.. I've been wanting to give up since the day I started but I've continued to think about why I'm having the surgery in the first place and it keeps me motivated. I have 3 kids that I have to cook for a take care of. And cooking their food mades me wanna give up daily.. You can do it is what I'm telling you.. Because it's something Iv'e said to myself daily.. I don't have anyone here who's been through this before and I've needed support.. I understand how your feeling and wish you nothing but the best.. Take care! 
on 5/9/11 8:30 am - Germantown, MD
Michelle!  I am so glad to have heard from someone in the middle of this.  Congratulations on making it through and on your surgery tomorrow.  The end is near!  I don't have kids and am thankful I am not preparing anyone else's food other than the dogs :)   Thanks for the encouragement and best of luck with tomorrow!
on 5/8/11 4:31 pm, edited 5/8/11 4:32 pm - San Francisco, CA
It's totally okay to feel all the emotions you're feeling. But just think of it this way....this surgery is one small part of a huge picture. You are about to make a life-altering change that will domino effect the rest of your life. Its okay to be emotional at a time like this. No matter what anyone tells you.
This journey is a personal one for every single person who starts on it. No matter what the surgery, how much you weigh, or your surgeon, this surgery is ALL ABOUT YOU. This is your time. If you're ever feeling doubtful, think about what it was that made you pick up the phone and call, or walk into a clinic in the first place. That catalyst should be the force that makes you determined enough to push through it all. It should be the one thing (or few small things) that help you the most through your journey. You should be able to say them, think of them or write them down and know your choice is the right one.

Like cajungirl said, keep posting on here if you need help getting through. Also like everyone else has been saying, don't think of it as the end...please try to think in positive terms, it will make things so much better. The only thing negative about this process should be the numbers on the scale. for real.

Please keep us posted, I look forward to hearing about your journey.
on 5/9/11 8:34 am - Germantown, MD
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement.  It is all about me and when do we ever get to say that?!  I have so many good quotes and reflections from you and the other posters to help me get through.
Mary Catherine
on 5/8/11 11:11 pm
 The weeks right before surgery are the hardest part of the journey.  You can and will eat all of those things again if you still want them.  There are things I loved before surgery that I don't like at all now.  
I don't give up anything, I just don't want it anymore.  I was on the liquid diet before surgery.  For me, it had the benefit of breaking away from solid foods and of taking off ten pounds.  My surgery was easy and I woke up wondering what I had been so worried about.

The excess weight came off quickly and easily.  My energy level is high, I am happy in my size 4 jeans, and I have never once been hungry again.  It is not that hard to give up eating when you have no desire for food, when a tiny amount of food makes you full, and when you feel so slim and healthy.
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