not a joke, needing serious help.....
I am truly ADDICTTED to Cheezits! for real! thats literally all i want to eat. i have gain about 40lbs. (from 127 to 163 since xmas) they have taken over. i want NOTHING ELSE! i swear to god! & i so want to rid myself of them, but they call out for me like a drug. i know how F'ing stupid i sound, but its true. PLEASE......if ANYONE knows how to stop, HELP! if i keep gaining i will kill myself. i want to do my pilaties again, but the fat gets in the way. (But i am REALLY trying to start up again 2morrow no matter what.)
If you are really serious/litteral about only eating Cheezits and really wanting help, you might consider seeing a therapist that specializes in OCD and addictive behaviors. Not trying to sound rude, but long ago I use to work in a Psych Hospital and we would have women come in to the Eating Disorder unit who would only certain things,and for them it turned out to be more of an obsessive disorder (opposed to the control issues of the other disorders)
Have you seen a doctor? Maybe you have something "off" that needs correcting.
Don't kill yourself if you keep gaining. I speak from experience when I tell you that you can be fat and still have a good life. I assume you're exaggerating, anyway.
Oh, how about if you take someone shopping with you and they don't allow you to buy Cheezits? If you really can't NOT buy them, you might have to have someone stop you from buying them, no matter what. I would think in addition to the fat and sodium, they have little nutritional value, too.
Maybe you need to be tested... you might have deficiencies that are affecting you.
Good luck with your pilates. I'm way fatter than you and can do them, so I'm sure you'll do just great. And, if not, maybe you can find a different form of exercise to help you in the interim.
Don't kill yourself if you keep gaining. I speak from experience when I tell you that you can be fat and still have a good life. I assume you're exaggerating, anyway.
Oh, how about if you take someone shopping with you and they don't allow you to buy Cheezits? If you really can't NOT buy them, you might have to have someone stop you from buying them, no matter what. I would think in addition to the fat and sodium, they have little nutritional value, too.
Maybe you need to be tested... you might have deficiencies that are affecting you.
Good luck with your pilates. I'm way fatter than you and can do them, so I'm sure you'll do just great. And, if not, maybe you can find a different form of exercise to help you in the interim.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
(deactivated member)
on 5/4/11 12:14 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
on 5/4/11 12:14 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
I can't quit thinking of cheezits now.

Thanks for your encouragement about pilaties. maybe you can help me/push getting back at doing them. i used to do them religiously everyday of the week, no matter how much pain i was in due to my back issues & fibro, but when my back became as bad as it has, i slowly stopped. i now though, have since learned that i am SEVERLY anemic (which is why i am so F'ing sleepy!), & vitamin D deficient (very much so, which i also learned can lead to your body hurting more than adverage.)
anyways, like i said, i REALLY need someone to kick my ass back into pilaties & my size 5 shorts!
anyways, like i said, i REALLY need someone to kick my ass back into pilaties & my size 5 shorts!

You don't really need anyone to kick your ass into anything! I would say that you need to get the anemia in check first. Gawd, I remember how fatigued I was when I was anemic. No wonder you don't want to work out. Are you under a doc's care for this, I hope?
Maybe you could start out just walking until you get back into the swing of things? Less pressure on yourself, ya know?
You can do it. Eat some iron rich foods like spinach and liver (if you can stomach it!) I am more concerned about the health issues than the weight issues. I think once you get the health stuff in check, the weight issues will almost fix themselves. When you feel poopy, taking care of yourself is really super important even though sometimes it feels like it's too much work to do it.
Maybe you could start out just walking until you get back into the swing of things? Less pressure on yourself, ya know?
You can do it. Eat some iron rich foods like spinach and liver (if you can stomach it!) I am more concerned about the health issues than the weight issues. I think once you get the health stuff in check, the weight issues will almost fix themselves. When you feel poopy, taking care of yourself is really super important even though sometimes it feels like it's too much work to do it.
Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI
compulsive eating, especially if you are truly only eating ONE thing (tell me that was an exageration) means you could benefit from theapy and maby medication. go get some professional help, you can do better.
once upon a time I had a group to talk about Binge Eating Disorder, and later one about Clean Eating.
PM me if you are interested in either of these.
size 8, life is great