If your band FAILED you please check in here.

on 4/25/11 10:34 am - Sitka, AK
VSG on 01/26/12
Listen up!   If you have no insurance and can't afford lab tests, DO NOT have any wls. (Check i pay a ton of money every check for insurance) 

If things are tight and you are someone who will buy braces for your kid with the money you should be spending on supplements, DO NOT have any wls. (Check all my kids are grown-up, can get their own damn insurance and I reuse to buy braces for the cats!)

If you don't know how to challenge your doctor, DO NOT have any wls. (check I am not above getting a different doctor if mine wont listen to what i have to say or makes me feel like I have no brain just cus I have medical issues)

If you can't find or understand--or find someone who can help you find and  understand--the articles published at PubMed, DO NOT have any wls. (check have invested in a Latin to english dictionary)

If you think that popping into a WLS support message board and asking questions IN ANY WAY constitutes "research," DO NOT have any wls. (Check I do my research on the TV ads... i'm pretty sure one of the side efffects of my toothpaste is testiclur cancer)

If you cannot draw a picture and explain to someone with no medical background exactly what will happen with the surgery of your choice, DO NOT have any wls.  (Aw bloody hell I can't draw for chit man... can I ask my artistic kid to do it while I explain? And do I gotta know the anatomical names or can i get away with "that long thingamabob there gets attached to whats left of that dohickythingy"?)

If you believe that all of the interpersonal problems you have suffered in your life exist(ed) because people treated you unfairly due to your obesity, DO NOT have any wls until you go work that **** out in therapy.... (What do you mean people treating me unfairly doesnt have anything with my weight issues? That's soooo cruel of you.. i'm gonna go eat a whole cheesecake now) 
Okay.  That's a good start.

My Blog My Facebook
(deactivated member)
on 4/25/11 10:14 pm - Califreakinfornia , CA
If you think that popping into a WLS support message board and asking questions IN ANY WAY constitutes "research," DO NOT have any wls. (Check I do my research on the TV ads...

(deactivated member)
on 4/26/11 1:39 am
The very PRESENCE of the band...in anyone including those of us who never had "eating disorders," can...and often does, usually in the presence of food but it CAN happen with jus****er...send a signal to the brain that indicates that a blockage exists.

When that happens, just like it would it someone really had food or a foreign object stuck, the brain sends LOTS of mucousy, slimy goo down to "lubricate" the passageway and eliminate the perceived blockage.  Except that the goo doesn't make the band go away, so the brain sends more.  All of that **** piles up behind the band and up the esophagus...and eventually--because the brain decides to go to Plan B--a wave a nausea hits and all that snot that the brain sent down, finally comes up...and the banded person barfs it all up.

This happens SO OFTEN, that many banded people know that the FIRST thing they do when going to a new restaurant is to locate the restroom...so that they don't hurl up a pint of snot on the table.  When a restaurant has only ONE stall in the restroom, those of us with this problem had to learn to sit near the door in case we had to make a speed run to the parking lot to barf in shrubs.

I puked more in the three years I had my band than I did in the other 56 years of my life combined. 

This is by far the best explanation of what daily life is like with my band.  I try to explain it to family and friends, but I might just print this off and pull it out on an as needed basis.
crystal W.
on 4/25/11 5:28 am - east liverpool, OH
I didn't have any slips but never had restriction either.  I've been so tight that it would take 1/2 hour for water to go down,  but not a feeling that I didn't want to eat or a feeling of satiety after eating like it was supposed to be.

Just hoping now I get approved for the sleeve and there isn't too much scar tissue or whatever possilbe complication that will keep me from getting a sleeve.

Good luck to all of us
on 4/26/11 1:59 pm
On April 25, 2011 at 12:28 PM Pacific Time, crystal W. wrote:
I didn't have any slips but never had restriction either.  I've been so tight that it would take 1/2 hour for water to go down,  but not a feeling that I didn't want to eat or a feeling of satiety after eating like it was supposed to be.

Just hoping now I get approved for the sleeve and there isn't too much scar tissue or whatever possilbe complication that will keep me from getting a sleeve.

Good luck to all of us
 This is me, except I did have restriction.  But never a feeling of being full, or satisfied, or ok.  Just either starving or stuck and in pain.  ******g hate this damned thing and cannot wait for it to be gone!
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/25/11 5:28 am - Tuvalu

Did you x-post on the Revisions board?  There are lots of "band survivors" over there, too.

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/revision/a,messageboard/board_id, 5360/

Janine P.
on 4/25/11 5:29 am - Long Island, NY
I didn't really have issues; mine just didn't do anything for me except make it super easy to vomit. 


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 4/25/11 5:29 am
I had the band for 6 years. I did lose weight, but eating was always a challenge. I spent 4 of those 6 years without any fill and still had problems even drinking water. I started gaining weight because the only things I could get down were soft things like ice cream and other high calorie foods. So, I gave it a heroic try, but ultimately my doctor said it had to come out. As soon as it was out, I could eat like a normal person again without sliming, barfing, or choking on my food.
(deactivated member)
on 4/25/11 5:29 am
 Well, you know my story.  I thought I was a band success story until it started getting tighter and tighter on it's own since last September.  As you probably know from reading my posts it's completely unbearable now.  I'm at the point now where it is so bad that I KNOW I couldn't go more than a few weeks more with the band. 
Nic M
on 4/25/11 5:33 am
Checking in.

My band FAILED ME. What I did wrong was choose the surgeon, let him operate on me and come out of the operating room on the verge of death. The other thing *I* did wrong was to continue to let that piece of **** stay in my body, causing more damage every day it was there. Let's see, I had the band placed 8+ years ago, had it removed 6+ years ago and I'm STILL suffering from the complications it caused. So much for that "reversible" angle they try to sell.  You can get it removed, but you're not going to be the same afterward.

(Oh, and Naomi  has me blocked for correcting her when she continually says, "The band is less evasive."  It would take years to try to correct all of her blinding ignorance in so many arenas, however. I've rarely encountered such stultifying dumbassery. From the things I see quoted here, it's reached a new low. Just when you think a person can't be any less informed, they go and surprise you.)  


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI

