If your band FAILED you please check in here.

(deactivated member)
on 4/25/11 5:16 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
I was originally going to title this, " If your band slipped please check in here ", but then I remembered that there are so many other complications from the band that have been shared here.

I'm really not interested in hearing from bandsters who have had ZERO problems with their bands. If you want to defend your band, go and start your own ******g thread.

My 1st band SLIPPED and I suffered much the same as Bear is suffering now.

My daughters 1st band SLIPPED and she suffered much the same as Bear is suffering now.

My 2nd band is a useless piece of junk and I think the port is ****** up

My daughters 2nd band was also a useless piece of crap and she recently had it removed because she suffered again the same way Bear did.

Lets see hmmmm 5 bands placed, 3 bands removed, 1 more band being removed on Monday with the 5 th band being removed ASAP.
on 4/25/11 5:17 am - Stuck in traffic or an airport near you, TX
mine was slipping up and down on a hitial hernia and even completely unfilled I couldn't eat solid food half the time, make that 3/4 of the time.

Oh..I didn't have the hernia til AFTER the band was put in..by a surgeon that does training for Allergan and at the time had placed over 3500 bands...so it wasn't "surgical " error.

when I revised to the sleeve I couldn't BELIEVE how much less pain I was in...not only after surgery..cuz when I had a band put in the port hurt like it was on FIRE....

I followed all the rules.

I know people that are successful with the band.  I know many that have not been.

I support anyone's decision to choose the surgery of their choice but please don't choose the band because you think it's "safer" or reversible.  Maybe at the time of surgery yes...but long term it has more compliations than other surgeries.

“Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is the same as saying ‘I apologize.’ Except at a funeral.?
-- Demetri Martin

(deactivated member)
on 4/25/11 6:52 am - Califreakinfornia , CA
My hiatel hernia came AFTER the band too.
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/25/11 5:17 am, edited 4/23/11 1:21 am - Tuvalu

I'll just cut and past here, because it covers most of what my life was like, daily, for three years.  Except that it doesn't cover the last 18 months or so, when my esophagus went on strike.  It just slowly stoppd "massaging" food on down to the stomach.  It became "gravity operated."  So that if I drank water and tried to exercise...the water would bounce around and then come up.  Wonderful life, eh? Here's the cut and paste:

On April 23, 2011 at 5:19 AM Pacific Time, ~~Nana ~. wrote:  I agree Nursiegirl...puking is disgusting this is why I GOT THE BAND since we ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO PUKE...it will cause slippage and ultimately removal.....the band does not cause puking..but I can clearly see it can be easily done with people who have past eating disorders, if they get it too tight this would be a dream for those with eating disorders....but for the rest of us normal banders..puking is rare to none.....

  "But I can clearly see it can be easily done with people who have past eating disorders"

Do you have someone helping you find new idiotic comments to make to insult every banded person who has barfed because of the band or do you do this all by yourself?  I ask because you have arrived a level of stupid that most morons only DREAM of reaching. 

(This isn't really for Naomi because she doesn't read what anyone else says...well, she may TRY to read it, but it just doesn't sink in.  This is for those who do not have reading comprehension issues.)

The very PRESENCE of the band...in anyone including those of us who never had "eating disorders," can...and often does, usually in the presence of food but it CAN happen with jus****er...send a signal to the brain that indicates that a blockage exists.

When that happens, just like it would it someone really had food or a foreign object stuck, the brain sends LOTS of mucousy, slimy goo down to "lubricate" the passageway and eliminate the perceived blockage.  Except that the goo doesn't make the band go away, so the brain sends more.  All of that **** piles up behind the band and up the esophagus...and eventually--because the brain decides to go to Plan B--a wave a nausea hits and all that snot that the brain sent down, finally comes up...and the banded person barfs it all up.

This happens SO OFTEN, that many banded people know that the FIRST thing they do when going to a new restaurant is to locate the restroom...so that they don't hurl up a pint of snot on the table.  When a restaurant has only ONE stall in the restroom, those of us with this problem had to learn to sit near the door in case we had to make a speed run to the parking lot to barf in shrubs.

I puked more in the three years I had my band than I did in the other 56 years of my life combined.  And it all stopped as soon as the piece of **** came out.

So you can invent these pretend excuses to blame those of us who are not what you consider "normal." but honest to Zeus...anyone who knows you would be DELIGHTED to not fit into YOUR description of "normal."

There will, of course, be people with the band who swear it has never happened to them.  Well maybe THEIR brains work differently.  Because whenever I describe this phenomenon to someone says they are having a problems with the band, they seem to relate right away and MANY are delighted to find out that THEY are not the only one.  They are afraid of this because of a cult mentality that is frequently fostered among the small percentage of self-proclaimed successful bandsters.  THEIR theme is that all of the the THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of people who had to have their bands removed...for erosion, slippage, esophageal problems and other things ALL did something wrong to make it happen and the band is just great.  

Thing is, the band IS just great...for about 20% of the people who get one.  And a good percentage of that 20% simply "can't handle the truth," which is that for the other 80%, it's a piece of ****

In any group of a hundred people, there are probably 2 or 3 sociopaths.  In a group of a thousand, more like 20-30.  They function very well in "affinity groups," where people have things in common and tend to trust strangers.  I am NOT saying not to trust anyone.  I AM saying that there are probably two dozen sociopaths hanging out here and looking for victims.  Most are NOT serial killers.

Read: www.sociopathicstyle.com/traits/classic.htm

(deactivated member)
on 4/25/11 5:26 am
 As you know a Doctor is only a REAL doctor if they studied in America. 
on 4/25/11 5:27 am
Hahahaha!  I have to say that some of the stupidest and laziest doctors I know did just that!
Nic M
on 4/25/11 5:27 am
Ha! The doctor who almost killed me was an All American. The doctor who FIXED his mistakes (or TRIED to, anyway) was Argentinian.  


 Avoid kemmerling, Green Bay, WI


Judi J.
on 4/25/11 5:31 am - MN
didn't you just get out of surgery? and you are posting!!

glad it went well!!!!! Superman
Ms. Cal Culator
on 4/25/11 11:00 am - Tuvalu

I don't think so.  When the thread got "born again," it got a new DOB, too.  The whole thread.  Go figure.
on 4/25/11 5:26 am
I would like to include that my surgery was done in Mexico by an experienced surgeon who does RNY, Sleeve, and DS laproscopically. I have had absolutely NO problems or complications from my surgery. He will not even do the the band anymore because of it's failure rate. And I do happen to have medical follow-ups, HERE in America!! (Oh my, could it be true?) I don't like to get into these said "surgery wars",but when you start making assumptions about Mexican surgeons being inferior to U.S. surgeons, that's a bit much. So, you're saying that all the foreign doctors, that went to schools in their country, are o.k. as long as they practice in America? Because last time I looked there are ALOT of doctors and surgeons from other countries here. All I know is that my surgeon was wonderful,  obviously did a great job, and I would recommend him to anyone. Actually my PCP asked me if he could have his information to give to his other patients whose ins denied them or those with out ins. And I think you are VERY "lucky" to have your band this long. You seem like a nice lady, so why are you bashing foreign doctors? 
I only strive to be, the kind of person my dogs think I am!                               

Of the choices we are given, it's no choice at all....
                                             -Patty Griffin