
Dx E
on 8/4/04 1:01 am - Northern, MS


on 8/4/04 1:07 am - Crestview, FL
thank you very much for the research and information!!!!
Paola N.
on 8/4/04 1:08 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Dex...by all means I don't want to start a debate (don't even start to flame me people!) but I just wanted to throw out there that the lab rats are injected with massive doses of the stuff. A doctor once told me it's practically impossible for us to consume enough of it in a lifetime to make us that sick. Now that being said...I try to steer away from Nutra Sweet and Aspartame...specially now that there's Splenda. But if I'm at a restaurant or somewhere I can't find Splenda by all means I have the other stuff. Just my 2 cents... Paola
Dx E
on 8/4/04 1:10 am - Northern, MS
Check out the research on Splenda, it's better but not without problems. Dx
on 8/4/04 1:18 am - San Manuel, AZ
Wow Dx, this is scary stuff. Reminds me of how the tobacco companies got away with their crap for so many years. Money is the bottom line. I wont be surprised to see a huge class action lawsuit coming out of this. It makes me so angry to think that these pharmacutical companies care nothing about us. Just making money. Its a shame. Thanx for the info, I wish more people knew what was happening. God bless, Laury
Dx E
on 8/4/04 1:22 am - Northern, MS
Yes, Money is the bottom line when companies are "looking out for your health." Dx
on 8/4/04 2:08 am - OldFort, TN
While we're on the subject, has there been any info about diet soft drinks containing aspartame affecting blood sugars? I got off regular Coke and onto diet Dr. Pepper and diet Cherry Coke. It seems I'm having more trouble losing weight and my blood sugars are not much improved. Any info or opinion on that? Jeanette
on 8/4/04 2:15 am - philadelphia, PA
My ex is a diabetic and he was told no aspertaime. He can only drink soft drinks with splenda. He was told it does effect blood sugar levels adversely. My surgeon also does not reccommend any artificial sweetner except "splenda" although it is not a no-no. He claimed it slows weight loss. Mostly because he feels his patients "overdo it" and are not mindful of the calories they are consuming.
Marsha S.
on 8/4/04 2:28 am - Sheboygan, WI
Thanks for the info Dex. Very scarey stuff!! I also read an artical about aspartame. It seems that if diet soda ever reaches temperatures of 86 degrees or higher, aspartame changes its chemical make-up. Many people were experiencing auto immune diseases such as Lupus, Scleraderma, Fibromyalgia, etc. These people took themselves off the aspartame and within a few months, many of them had their symptoms disappear. For this reason, I stopped drinking diet soda and watching my aspartame intake. Low and behold, after about 2 months I started feeling better. Marsha
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