Question for anyone who can help!

Sharon Wolf
on 8/4/04 12:13 am - Clarissa, MN
I am now a little over 2 months post-op. For about a 2 weeks now, I have been having problems with so much gas in my pouch and intestines. I sleep fine and all is well when I wake up but the minute I start to put liquids of food in my pouch, thinks start to act up. It is so loud in there that other people can hear it. I feel sick all day and burp and release gas off and on all day. (Sorry for being so frank). Has anyone else had this problem and if so, what did you end up doing about it? Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.
Dx E
on 8/4/04 12:18 am - Northern, MS
Sharon, I'm right at a week from being a year out and I still gurgle like an old radiator. I don't have the burping but the sound is so loud it will cause my dog to bark. It usually happens when I drink my water too fast. Try going back to smaller sips. It seems to help me sometimes- Dx
Sharon Wolf
on 8/4/04 12:30 am - Clarissa, MN
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate it. I will give that a try. I do drink a lot of water and maybe I am drinking it to fast. Thanks again
(deactivated member)
on 8/4/04 12:49 am - Lost in Woods, PA
Sharon, disclaimer: this is just a suggestion and you should always check with your doctor before changing or adjusting anything..... one question for you - do you use a cpap? if so, you might need to have it adjusted as it might be pumping too much air into your stomach and guess what - it has to go somewhere or do something. i had mine adjusted as i had this same problem. i still make grumbling noises (i think that's natural) but i don't have all the burping i used to. again, check with your doctor if you really have a concern over it...he might be able to tell you what to do. open rny 4/19/2004
Sharon Wolf
on 8/4/04 8:45 am - Clarissa, MN
Thanks Yvonne, I don't know what a cpap is? I want to thank you for responding to my question. It is always good to hear what other people go through. open rny 5/28/04
on 8/4/04 1:02 am - Tampa (Carrollwood), FL
Sounds like you might be swallowing a lot of air. If your not, stay away from carbonated drinks and don't use a straw with your water. Especially those huge ones people tend to use with big water jugs. I agree with the previous posters - call your doc and see what he says. Diane N
Sharon Wolf
on 8/4/04 8:49 am - Clarissa, MN
Thanks for reponding. Maybe I am taking in to much air. I have been told that I have a big mouth before Anyway, I think I will give my doctor a call. open rny 5/28/04
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