Sick and Dizzy after I eat
Just wondering if anyone experiences nausea and dizzyness after they eat. I am 18 months RNY post op and for the past couple of weeks every time I eat I get dizzy and nauseaus and sometimes passout. It's becoming more frequent and scary. I've contacted my surgeon, but due to some changes in insurance I am unable to go see him right now. I've checked my sugar levels and they are in a normal range. My food intake has stayed the same; one cup of food per meal. Any input is appreciated.
Also, I've gained 6lbs. in 2 months....and no, I'm not pregnant! Wish I was!
Also, I've gained 6lbs. in 2 months....and no, I'm not pregnant! Wish I was!
I don't get the passing out but if I eat too fast or too many carbs without protein with it I get the shakes and dizziness and have to lay down or if you drink with the meal it pushes the food through too fast. I'm 17 mo. and am really having to watch it now. Same sort of thing has happened twice in 2 weeks. When that happened to me my friends said I should have packs of peanutbutter crackers with me at all times. Hope you feel better soon. That can be quite scary and can be dangerous if you are out somewhere or hit your head and are alone. Be Careful! Maybe keep a log of what you've eaten and when it happens if there is a pattern. I've been told sometimes there is no rythm or reason just happens. Be Prepared!
Miss Jean
You are a RNY patient, correct? Are you familiar with dumping syndrome? When I used to "dump" after eating, it would always start with uneasy nausea and dizzyness, often followed by rapid heart beat, chills/sweats and general disorientation and sometimes I would end up unconscious altogether and just wake up a while later. Does this sound similar?
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/11 10:12 pm
on 4/12/11 10:12 pm
Yes, I am familiar with dumping syndrome. I have experienced dumping syndrome in the past if I eat something starchy, but these new symptoms happen no matter what I eat. Thanks for your input. I am going to call my PCP and get a checkup, just in case it's not dumping.
I would get very dizzy and nauseous if I hadn't eaten for a while. . .then I eat and it would happen again. I get that same reaction if I eat certain foods. I can eat a small piece of cake, but if I add the icing (which I rarely eat) I get dizzy and am certain I'm gonna hurl.
I don't advocate cake. . . I'm 2 1/2 years out.
I don't advocate cake. . . I'm 2 1/2 years out.