I have noticed and was wondering...

(deactivated member)
on 8/3/04 8:51 am
Please don't flame me for asking this, but it is a legitimate concern I am having. I have noticed that in many pictures I see of postops online, their skin looks very yellow. Is this a common result of the surgery or do you think I am just seeing a lot of pictures that were taken in bad light? Could it be something to do with liver or kidney problems caused by surgery? I have always had very pale skin with rosy cheeks (one of the few features I actually like about myself) and I would hate to turn yellow. I hope nobody takes offense to this question. It is something I have been wondering about for months and finally just got the courage up enough to ask. I have looked on the net for this answer and I know you kind folks are always helpful to us curious pre-ops. Thanks so very much for helping me with the answer to this. ~~Jaimee
Dx E
on 8/3/04 8:56 am - Northern, MS
Hey Jaimee, It's not the people. Just the pictures. It may even be your monitor. Jaundice is not a problem associated with this surgery. Most all of us are rosy cheeked and healthier after the WLS than we ever were before. Dx
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/04 9:01 am
Dex, thank you so much for your reply to my question. I am relieved to her this. ~~Jaimee
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/04 9:02 am
sorry for the cruddy spelling I meant to say hear.
Shrinking F.
on 8/3/04 9:04 am - Phoenix, AZ
I haven't had any issues with yellow skin, nor have any of my friends who've had the surgery as well. I'm pale skinned, pink cheeked and everyone keeps telling me how great my complexion is. Never be afraid of asking a question. You won't know if you don't ask. Good luck on your journey... Hugs... Fanny 297/196/??
on 8/3/04 9:06 am - Flagstaff, AZ
For me the only thing that happened to my skin is that my acne went away!
on 8/3/04 9:11 am - Pasadena, CA
I think it is your monitor.
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