Stomach hurting and worried
I called my Gastric Bypass Surgeons office and told them about the pain in my stomach,
They had me come in and he pressed on my stomach and basically asked the pain level and said he could send me for a scan if the pain gets any worse, but I need to keep him informed. He made the difference between the pain being constant vs. just when or after I eat that if it were a kink it would be constant.
I also told him I ate a few bites of a steak 4 days ago, then had terrible pain in my stomach pouch the next day. I took Phillips milk of magnesia (sp?) and it worked, but now am constapated. So his concern was a kink in my bowel, so if it gets worse than I should go right in. He made that clear, so in the meantime I am drinking benefiber.... and trying to pay attention to when I have the pain.. Hope that helps.