Low Potassium???

Tamarah T.
on 8/3/04 7:21 am - Arvada, CO
Hi, Richard, Thanks for all the information.! I knew it was dangerous, so when I felt the same way, I went back to the ER. They take it very seriously and do their best to get the level back up. I do not take water pills or use salt substitute. I am following all the rules, so... Anyway, I appreciate your information and will continue to watch it closely. Take Care! Tami
on 8/3/04 9:13 am - Bethany, LA
Richard-- I was doing great up until about 6-8 weeks after the surgery...before surgery I was on Norvasc for bp, and two directics Lasix & spironolactone...the edema in my left ankle had stopped....but then I stopped to getting dehydrated and vomiting every other day about 6 weeks out. I ended up in the hospital for almost 3 days...they hydrated me and scoped me. When I saw my PCP he did blood work and found that my potassium was very low and put me on potassium & I had to start taking the spironolactone again & the bp med....funny, after my hospital stay, I noticed that my ankle was swelling again (I have battled this problem for many years), but I did not see the connecion, now I do. The edema has gone down a lot since I started the potassium.......my goodness are they some nasty tasting pills, and just like pills! He changed it to the powdered type, but I can't swallow it because the taste is so bad! I'm back to the pill, I put it in a little water and it dissolves very quickly. Hettie
on 8/3/04 7:07 am - Sunny, FL
HI, I had low Potasium before surgery the week before when they did my pre-op bloodwork they had me on 1 pill a day and while in the hospital for surgery they had me on a Potasium IV but I haven't had any blood work since..but I don't think it is from malabsorption our bodies are goint thru so much change and i diets have changed drastically some things may be off on some people and other things on other people... Glad to hear all else is going well for you same here surgery has been a true blessing... Cecilia post-op 7/28/04 233/???
Tamarah T.
on 8/3/04 7:24 am - Arvada, CO
Hi, Cecilia, My potassium was okay before surgery. In the hospital, I had potassium pills twice, as it was low there, too. I am now taking the supplements and will get my levels checked later this week. I agree: this surgery is a true blessing, no matter how may supplements I need to take!! Take care and continued good health to you... Tami
on 8/3/04 7:11 am - OH
Do you take lasix (water pills)? I do, and that caused my potassium to get dangerously low. I had to be in the hospital a little over a month after my surgery. They did the iv potassium thing and all got better.....good luck to you. Hugs, Raynee
Tamarah T.
on 8/3/04 7:28 am - Arvada, CO
Hello, Raynee, I am not on lasix - but, before surgery, my blood pressure pill had a diuretic in it, but after surgery, I only took a regular blood pressure pill. Now, I am off it!! Sorry you had to be in the hospital so long. That must have been hard!! Glad you are doing well now... Thanks! Tami
on 8/3/04 7:12 am - Ewa Beach, HI
Tamarah, I have been hypokalemic (low potassium) many many times hon. It can be absolutely awful. As for low potassium as a side effect of surgery, unless you are taking major diuretics (like Lasix) or your Thyroid is imbalanced, it is unlikely that you are experiencing this condition as a direct result of the surgery. How is your urination? Very frequent? Kidney problems? You may want to increase your fluid intake. Sometimes when we are deyhdrated, our potassium levels become imbalanced too. I have only had one episode of hypokalemia since my surgery and it was due to a recent flu bug I had along with a case of dehydration. Once I got that resolved, I was okay. If you start feeling dizzy and weak, go back to the doctor. Nothing to play around with. If it persists, they can put you on KCL supplements. Good luck! Kathie in Hawaii..
Tamarah T.
on 8/3/04 7:31 am - Arvada, CO
Hi, Kathie, Thanks for the info. I am not on Lasix and do get plenty of fluids, at least 80 oz. per day (love my water!!) I do not have kidney problems and urination, etc. is all normal (even though I drink more fluids now, I go less than before surgery!) So, I will keep a close watch on it and if I feel weak and dizzy, back to the docs I go! Have a GREAT day and thanks for responding! Tami
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