From CNN wihtout the quote

on 8/2/04 11:29 am - MI
Same here Misty my personal goal is 180, I am 6 ft tall and for me that will be healthy and thats all I am looking for. Sorry I dont think that aching backs/knees and Pannis that hang so low they cause rashes and infections is healthy....I think NAAFA is going to hurt itself in the long run if they don't get more up to date information and better attitudes. I guess they don't like it because they feel they are losing potential members or something.
(deactivated member)
on 8/2/04 11:10 am - Paradise Regained, NJ
I agree with NAAFA only on one main point - fat/overweight/obese/whatever people should not be discriminated against. The last time I checked their website - last month- their official stance on gastric bypass surgery is based on information from 1992. If they're going to put out an opinion on it - and they're certainly entitle to do so - it would be a lot more credible if they'd use current information. P~
on 8/2/04 11:22 am - MI
I do totally agree that Fat people shouldn't be discriminated against and my state is the only one with it as state law. They have very outdated stance on WLS along with some other disturbing off-link misinformation about it...even though I am not having the surgery it really frosts my buns. Tara
Dx E
on 8/2/04 11:31 am - Northern, MS
Yes, Some of the positions of the NAAFA give me a rash on the wrong end. Sure, no one should discriminate against fat folks, but the way to achieve that is not by bashing those that have decided to take drastic measures in order to save their life. WLS is not about looks, but longevity without crippling disease. Dx
on 8/2/04 11:33 am - MI
Exactly Dex it reminds me of cutting your nose off. I know just 22 pounds down my back already feels better and those pounds will help slow the degeneration in the long run. Its almost like politics people expect you to be one or the other no in between
on 8/2/04 11:43 am - Acworth, GA
OK if you are happy being fat, be fat. But why in the world try to force that on those of us who would like to be NORMAL. I don't want to be thin. I would be thrilled to wear an 18 again, or just be able to buy clothes at Lane Bryant and Richs again for that matter. Don't screw it up for the rest of us. Man that makes me mad. Mel
on 8/2/04 11:50 am - MI
Man the day I see 18's again I will be doing a dance! I agree don't ruin it for those that are trying to do something to help ourselves. Tara
on 8/2/04 1:01 pm - Moorhead, MN
Tara- Thanks for posting this. It's just priceless. So very much like advocates of smoker's rights. I remember my dear late father-in-law insisting that the claims that cigarrette smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, etc were total bunk-completely made up. After all, he knows old so-and-so who lived to 100 and he smoked 2 packs a day. Sure-some of the morbidly obese are spared co-morbidities. I just don't think playing russian roullette with 5 bullets and one empty chamber is my kind of game. And now, back to my regularly scheduled anorexia- Susan
on 8/2/04 2:04 pm - MI
I hear you Susan and I agree. Sorry I rather be preventive now instead of when it is too late.
Misty S.
on 8/3/04 1:23 am - Helena, MT
You all are sooo right! Here is the definition of disease Main Entry: dis·ease Pronunciation: di-'zEz Function: noun Etymology: Middle English disese, from Middle French desaise, from des- dis- + aise ease 1 obsolete : TROUBLE 2 : a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its parts that impairs normal functioning : SICKNESS, MALADY 3 : a harmful development (as in a social institution) - dis·eased /-'zEzd/ adjective a condition that impairs normal functioning, and a harmful devolpament. Sounds just like obesity to me!
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