regular diet help

on 4/5/11 7:19 am - MD
 help i just started regular diet 2days ago and im unsure what to eat i know i cant have red meat for first 6months so with that can i have turkey bacon or ground turkey and can anyone give me some recipes thanks much
I am confused ... did you already have your surgery?  Or are you on a pre-surgery diet to try to lose weight?

"Learn from Yesterday.  Live for Today.  Hope for Tomorrow" - Albet Einstein

on 4/5/11 1:58 pm - MD
 @ nancy i am 7weeks 2days post-op 
on 4/6/11 4:26 pm
Post-op from which form of WLS? That makes a big difference. If you fill out your profile, it will show up under your avatar, as will your surgery date, surgeon, etc.
on 4/5/11 11:54 pm
I'm 5 weeks 3 days out and also allowed "real" food. I'm still trying to get it down, but what I've been eating is:

B: 2oz greek yogurt or cottage cheese with 1/4 of a pear or 1" of banana
S: 1/2 cup protein shake
L: 2oz turkey breast and 1/2 cup mixed green salad with my own ranch (nonfat yogurt + ranch powder)
L2: 1oz string cheese and 1oz turkey breast or 2oz cottage cheese
S: 1/2 cup protein shake
D: 2oz baked fish (mahi mahi or cod) with 1 or 2 small broccoli florets

I try to drink about 1 cup of water in between meals and after dinner. I also want to know when is it okay to increase these amounts. I know we'll never eat full size meals again, but when will I be able to eat a whole cup of salad or bowl of soup? When can I eat 4 oz of fish and a side of veggies? Having the 2oz portions isn't always filling or even satisfying.

on 4/6/11 3:15 pm - MD
i ask my nutritionist and she said it will increase over time but just keep listening to ur stomach from my experience sometimes you can eat more depending on the food you will be able to eat 3oz of broth but can only eat 1oz of chicken or tuna the more solid the food the less you will eat but you will stay full longer  
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