LBL and exercise

on 8/2/04 9:05 am - Dallas area, TX
I've decided to get a Lower Body Lift in September. I have to have a hernia repair so will do this at the same time. Went to Dr. Melvyn Lerman in Dallas who has done lots of wls patients. Also am dying to get my arms done but he won't do them at the same time as the LBL because I would be under anesthesia for too long. So I'll have to do that later. I'm really excited about the opportunity to do this. But I have anxiety about not being able to exercise for so long after. How have some of you handled this? Thanks for any advice. Connie -127#
on 8/2/04 9:11 am - Ewa Beach, HI
Connie, Congrats hon!! Initially, I opted to go with the mid-body lift but switched to anchor cut abdominoplasty at the last minute (didn't want 150+ staples going 360 degrees around). At any rate, I was told that with both surgeries (MBL, LBL and TT) that you need to wait at least 6-8 weeks depending on your healing before you commit to any exercise routine. Granted, I was up and moving the day of my plastics but didn't go back to the gym till I was 6 weeks out. Even then, I started back slowly. I am 6 months postop now for my TT and even now, there are days when I feel swollen and sore. Just take it at a reasonable pace. Get up and get moving ASAP but don't do any lifting of 10 pounds or more for at least 6 weeks... longer if you have any complications or are still in pain. Hope this helps! Again, congrats on your upcoming surgery date! WOOHOOO!! You will love the results! I have to say that I adore my new belly and most of all, my new belly button! Hugs, Kathie in Hawaii...
on 8/2/04 9:57 am - Dallas area, TX
Thanks for your response, Kathie. I had originally planned on a TT but when he showed me what the LBL would do for my butt----well, there was no question I needed that!!! I've been working hard at the gym on both cardio and weight/strength training (see a personal trainer twice a week), so I know I will have to practically start over again after six weeks away. But it will definitely be worth it!! Connie
Dx E
on 8/2/04 9:45 am - Northern, MS
Connie, I'm headed for the same thing in December. Sorry I don't have any advice to pass on, but do keep us posted on how it all works out for you. This would be a great help to those of us just a few steps behind you. Congratulations on your success! Dx
on 8/2/04 9:59 am - Dallas area, TX
Don't worry, Dex, I'm sure you will be hearing from me on the board---whining and all!! Will be glad to answer any questions as I go along! Connie
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