Gettin closer...

on 8/3/04 11:32 pm - Half past the monkey's butt..., WI
Thank you for the kind words Rita. It means a lot to me to know that there are so many people here at OH that are behind me. Take care and be good to yourself...K-Man
Dx E
on 8/2/04 3:42 am - Northern, MS
Ken, Way to go man! You'll be there before you know it. I'm 11months out and have gone from 370lbs to 213lbs as of today. My next hurdle is falling under the 200lbs mark. Race Ya! Just kidding. Even after I'm down to my goal of 185lbs I don't have a chance at being a "Stud Muffin", My muffin days are passed. I'm just looking to be an "old muffin." It's good to see some more guys out here. We are the smallest minority but end up losing really well due to that muscle mass / male physiology stuff. Keep up the great work- Dx
on 8/3/04 11:35 pm - Half past the monkey's butt..., WI
Hi Dex. With as much as you have lost so far...I think you deserve to get there first!! are doing great and I hope you can take a minute to update your profile so we can all learn from you and how you have been so successful. Take care and be good to yourself...K-Man
Trish Write Stuff
on 8/2/04 3:43 am - A Happy Place, NY
Hi Ken! I just got weighed this morning, I hit 90 lbs. at 6 months - I was hoping for 100 and told my dr. I was a little disappointed, I had hit a plateau for a few weeks which explains the slowdown - he reminded me that 90 lbs. in 6 mos. is a phenomenal weight loss and he is thrilled with my progress. Remember, 91 lbs. is a terrific weight loss that most people would envy, so no matter when you hit that 100 lbs., it's a great accomplishment.
on 8/2/04 3:49 am - Mansfield, TX
Yo, Stud-Muffin, er, uh, I mean K-Man! Here's to meeting your next milestone. You have such a great attitude, you can't fail! XOXO Charlene
Aunty Emme
on 8/2/04 3:58 am - Lower piedmont, NC
That's my favorite kind of muffin! Seriously, that is SO awesome. You owe a lot of congratulations to yourself on your accomplishment. We're getting ready to join the local Y, and I'm going to sign up for their Genesis program (similar to having a personal trainer for 12 weeks). You're awesome!! Melissa lap RNY 6/9/04 -50-55lbs
on 8/2/04 4:03 am - Iowa City, IA
K-Man, Congratulations on getting this far and I know you will succeed with the other 9 pounds. I also know how discouraging it can be when you want the scale to move but it just doesnt.....I am 2.5 pounds from the century mark and I dont think they will ever go. Each time I weigh which is usually only at DR appt I think maybe this time but it isnt there like they say, keep on keeping on and good things will happen to those of us who wait....Jody W.
on 8/2/04 4:13 am - on the beach down by the bay, VA
Sending testosterone laden energy/muscle/mind waves to you, you should be rcv'g them through your muscles as we speak, I am very powerful I'm omnipotent...or is that impotent...or important? However, I will defer from calling you a stud muffin...mayhaps a low carb, sugar free, protein powered breakfast delight?.....I could never refer to someone as a stud muffin unless we were meeting face to face....are you going to the DC convention...maybe I can call you a stud muffin there... but never on the boards..... Good luck on the appointment!
(deactivated member)
on 8/2/04 4:34 am - IN
WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO No A** Man, You can do it ,i am so happy for sound so much better than you did a few months ago,you seem to have lots more self esteem and sound so happy,and i know Mrs.No A** Man is proud of you guys are gonna have to come down soon....Keep up the good work and YOU GO !!!! Love ya Val2
on 8/2/04 4:48 am - IA
Hi Ken! You know that I am pulling for you...but don't get wrapped up in the numbers are doing fantastic and you know it!! BTW, Stud Muffins are my favorite...0 carbs!!! Sherry Open RNY 02/04/04 (Proximal-75 cm) 294.5/200/150 -94.5#
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