Gettin closer...

on 8/2/04 3:13 am - Half past the monkey's butt..., WI
Hi again gang. I was hoping to get a little boost from my AMOS buddies since I am getting very close to being the next member of the century club. I had surgery 5 months ago and have now lost 91lbs as of this morning. I can hardly believe I have done this well and want nothing more than to be at -100lbs when I see my surgeon on Sept. 7. I have started working out and feel better now than ever. I am walking, using elliptical machines, the bike, and have started doing weights also. I am working with a personal trainer so I am having a program set up specifically for me and I have 7 more sessions with him before I am on my own. My wife has even given me permission to become a "stud muffin" if I want. I guess what I am asking for is just some good vibes that I can keep with me to keep moving towards my goals and to get where I want. Thank you all for your great support so far and all the kind words you have spoken to me about my journey. Take care to you all and have a great week...K-Man
on 8/2/04 3:16 am - IN
Well, K-Man, you've always been a "stud muffin" to us!!! You have so many good vibes coming from me, you're head should be exploding as we speak...hey, I wonder if a head can weigh 9 lbs...that would get you to the century club!!!! Seriously, congratulations on such an awesome job! You are truly inspirational and I love your posts. Take care, K-Man...and hopefully, I will be joining you soon...I still have 10 lbs. myself..but I bet you beat me. Deb -90 lbs
on 8/3/04 11:23 pm - Half past the monkey's butt..., WI
Thanks Deb. Keep going, you are almost there too!! I can't wait until we are both members of the century club!! Keep up the good work and take care...K-man
on 8/2/04 3:21 am - Daytona Beach, FL
........To quote my hero and idol....Brian Wilson (ok so I'm old)(and I know Brian Wilson WROTE the words but his cousin Mike Love actually SANG them) "GOOD GOOD GOOD VIBRATIONS" Hugs from the beach The Old Surfer Girl Charlie
on 8/3/04 11:25 pm - Half past the monkey's butt..., WI
Thanks Charlie!! Have a great week...K-man
1hotmama 2.
on 8/2/04 3:21 am - South Central, IL
K-Man, Or shall I say Stud Muffin? LOL Way to go!!!!!!!!!! Awesome job! Can you do it? YES YOU CAN!!!!!!!(as bob the builder would say) sorry, I have a 2 year old! I am also about ready to reach my first goal of under 200 lbs. 9 more lbs. to go!!!! Good Luck and keep up the good work! ~~~~~~~~good vibes~~~~~~~~~~~ coming your way! Kim
on 8/3/04 11:26 pm - Half past the monkey's butt..., WI
Thanks Kim and good luck to you too on your first big goal...I know you will make it!!! Take care and be good...K-Man
on 8/2/04 3:24 am - MI
Ken all the vibes you need are being sent, you are such an inspiration to many of us here. Let us know when you hit the club! Tara
on 8/3/04 11:29 pm - Half past the monkey's butt..., WI
Thank you Tara...Good luck to you too and keep fighting the good fight!! You'll make it!! Take care...K-Man
on 8/2/04 3:28 am - Stoneham, MA
Good Morning Ken, So whose says you're not a stud muffin now!!!! Congratulations on a job well done so far. You'll have no problem with the next 9 pounds, just remember when you started this journey and didn't think that anything could work as well as things have gone so far. Everything is working as well as it has because of your hard work and I know you're ready for more. Keep up the good work. Best wishes for continued success!!!!
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