Need prayers !! ASAP!

melissa S.
on 8/1/04 11:22 am - clintwood, va
Dear Family, I am coming in tonight to ask for prayers please! I am leaving for TN, In the morning for my Open Rny @ 5:30 tuesday morning. I have had my "last meal"...And I am on liquids tomorrow, and the dreaded castor oil, at 12:00 noon. I am ok, sometimes, I was earlier, and then I am a nervous wreck...I am scared, I must admit..I am excited to, But, please pray for me as my day is finally here!! well, I need prayers so badly, So if you can find it in your hearts, please pray that all goes well, and i'll be back with my wonderful children and dh soon....Thankyou all So much ahead of time...All my love and Prayers, are with you guys. P.s. I want to go ahead and thankyou all for being here with me, for so long on such a long journey, hopefully I'll be joining alot of you on the losers bench, early tuesday morning!! I need your prayers, because sometimes , i get a feeling, i might not be coming back...But I guess its normal....Thankyou, to the worlds greatest WLS Family!!!! All My Love & Prayers , Missy, VA Also, any last minute suggestions, advice, anything, I am so unprepared, If you feel it on your heart, Please post to my page, as my daughter will be printing everything off, and bringing it too me in the hospital, I would Love to here from any and all of you!! May God Bless You ALL..See ya on the Other side..I hope.......
on 8/1/04 11:26 am - Goldsboro, NC
I have added you to my prayer list !!! May the Lord be with you....I know He will !!!!! Please have someone let us know when you get out of surgery !!!! God Bless-- Heather 295/271/150
on 8/1/04 11:28 am - miami, FL
Missy, sweetie, calm down. I know how you're feeling, b/c even though i still have another 3 weeks, every day i grow more and more anxious. But I really don't think it'll do us any good. I will be praying for you, and I hope that you now know that if you need anything at all, you can email me, if you wanna chat, i'll email you my #....God will watch over us. lots of hugs...and prayers.. Mady
on 8/1/04 11:28 am - Southwest, FL
I'll be remembering you in prayer for the next several days. Relax and know that you are in God's hands. We all look forward to hearing from you when you get home.
Dx E
on 8/1/04 11:28 am - Northern, MS
Melissa, I hope you can feel the crashing waves of prayers coming over you. There are so many out here lifting you up. Have a great day tomorrow and a smooth surgery. Dx
on 8/1/04 11:30 am - Marion, oh
Melissa, cangrats on your surgery. You will be in my prayers adn will be thinking aboutyou tommorrow. Put your trust in your higher power and everything will be ok. GOod Luck, Richard
Amy Williams
on 8/1/04 11:32 am
Hi Missy, Please think positive. God will be with you. My prayers are with you. We WILL see you on the loser side very soon! God Bless. Amy
on 8/1/04 11:35 am - NM
Lifting you up as i type. God bless you. Gina
Shelley G.
on 8/1/04 11:38 am - Wenatchee, WA
Hi Melissa. I posted on your surgery page, but wanted to answer your request for suggestions. Since my surgery wasn't long ago, here's some "fresh" advice. 1. Tongs/flushable wipes really are indispensable! So is a fan, and for me, a book was essential. 2. Remember everyone's experience is different. I usually tolerate pain quite well, and my brother claimed no pain at all with his wls, so I was surprised to really hurt the first day post-op. I didn't use the pain pump in time, and never seemed to catch up that day. Use the pump before your pain gets bad! After the first day, I had very little pain, and didn't fill the pain Rx. 3. Keep in mind that many, many people are praying for you, and God answers prayer. I am believing that all will go well and you will be posting here as a loser very soon. Hugs to you........................Shelley
on 8/1/04 11:42 am - goldsboro, NC
good luck babygirl you will do fine my surgery is a day after............ill be thinking of you.......
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