WOW Moments!

on 4/22/11 6:40 am
I never had a WoW moment...
But I am forever shamed by my "Dungeons and Dragons" days...
In HS it was like Fight Club...
1st rule - You do NOT talk about D&D, 2nd rule You DO NOT talk about D&D!
VSG Surgery on April 26th, 2011
"Get busy living…or get busy dying. That's goddamn right." ~ Red, The Shawshank Redemption   

on 8/6/11 4:51 am - FL

Hey!  this is supposed to be the
WOW  channel!!!!!

on 4/14/11 10:11 am - CA
I do!! Feels great to out dps someone... heh  
on 4/6/11 12:25 pm - Hinesville, GA
My wow moment was the first day I was able to cross my legs.. and not have to hold it in place..I almost screamed...OMG...Make it under 200lbs again, wear regular size clothing from the junior dept.. I am being wowed daily....ankles dont hurt to walk..its my RNY...
on 4/21/11 10:37 pm
That is exatly my Oh moment. I cannot remember the last time I was able to cross my legs like a lady when sitting in a chair. The other day, I realized I was sitting like a lady with my legs crossed....and confortably so. No sleeping legs or cramps from crossing! And teh other Oh moment for me is being able to clean my feet in the shower without holding myself up. I am so much more limber now! Feels GREAT!
on 4/7/11 1:48 pm
Oh my gosh!  WOW moments?  Every day!  207 lbs ago, before surgery, had been in a wheelchair and was using a walker (3 different types of arthritis, fybromalgia,sleep apnea, you name it...I had it).  I was ready to quit work and just stay in bed.  WELLLL, I have less pain, can stand up without having to sit down right away, no huffing and puffing just to get from one spot to another.  FITTING in booths and airplane seats!!!  People genuinely happy for me once they recognize me.    My husband sitting in a chair across from me and just staring with love and amazement in his eyes.  Bending over without passing out and yes, crossing my legs!  Seeing the joy in the faces of my grown children when they tell me they're  glad I'll be around for awhile.

Having confidence that I'm no longer "second class" in a department store.  People are much more friendly and I'm not invisable any more.  It has been an interesting journey and, even though it was difficult for me (I'm an "older" woman)   It has been totally worth it!  I could go on and on (and I have) but there is just so much joy in being the new me that I had to share!
on 4/12/11 11:45 am - MI
OMG... I just discovered I have a collarbone-first time I have felt those in 30 years and a skinny neck and ...wait for... RIBS... this is so cool!!!! Have lost 80 so far--waiting to see kneecaps and ankle bones next... what can I say... small pleasures!!!!
Cecelia B.
on 5/3/11 8:58 am - St Louis, MO
Aren't collarbones weird.  they were the first bone I felt and am stilled awed by them!!!  How funny, collar bones and the dips in skin/flesh around them...cracks me up!!  Feeling underneath my ribs cause my skin is next to my ribs with so much less fat around them.  Who'd a thought, this would be where joy comes from!!


Starting wt. March/ 2010  385lbs
Surgery wt.  Sept/2010     322lbs
Current wt.  Sept/2013     204lbs


on 7/17/11 3:12 pm
When I feel mines I have to hit them a couple of times to realize they are supposed to be there... I remember being able to feel my hip bone for the 1st weird...
on 4/8/11 4:21 pm - Australia
I have had many WOW. Moments.
When it finaly hit me that I could not lose weight on my own.
After the surgeyI was not sick or sore.
 6mt. and 24kg gone..Self asteam back.
Happy to be ME.Inside and out.
Being able to Play with my Grandchildren.
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