WOW Moments!

on 8/29/11 1:36 pm - NC
I know what you ladies mean about "wishing I had done this a long time ago..."  but I now realize that I would have been doing it before for all the wrong reasons...for male attention, mom's approval, etc.  Now I'm doing it for ME and my's the right time and I'm ready!  My surgery date is in three I notice this post was in May...let me know how you're doing!  You've probably made loads of progress over the past few months! 
Brenda Holland
on 5/5/11 6:28 am - Bryans Road, MD
RNY on 10/03/11 with
Nice :)
How bad do you want it?
sleeve genie
on 4/3/11 8:15 am - Alhambra, CA
I am very grateful to be able to say i have had many wow moments.   Yesterday when i put on a pair of 12 pants that i got months ago hoping one day to be able to wear them,  tried them on to see how much further i had to go and they fit,  yahoo.   But the best one ever for me was one day in the shower.   Pre op i could barely walk d/t arthritis.   I couldn't raise my left leg to wash my foot,  i had to use a long handled brush.   There i am in the shower and looked down and realized i was washing my foot with no brush.   (no pictures of that lol )  That was truly the best thing ever.  Pain all gone,  no more limping around.   What a God send this WLS has been for me.   I could go on and on but i won't    lol   :o) jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 4/3/11 1:23 pm
Praise the Lord, sleeve genie!  That's terrific news!
on 6/26/11 3:18 am - kitchener, Canada
That is so amazing , i am so happy for you! I to just bought my first pair of size 12 jeans! I haven't been able to wear that since i think i was like 14!! I am so happy and feeling so good. My latest "wow" was when i was out walking with my boyfriend. We we cutting across a 4 lane road with lots of traffic. Not at the lights either and my boyfriend said lets run for it....laughing like a little kid i just jumped off the curb and started running...laughing  the whole way. Not until i had cross and was up the street did i realize that not only was i jumping off a little brick wall but i had ran! Without even giving it a second thought! :)  I was so happy..something so simple i can now finally do. 6 months ago i wouldn't even attempted this! Surgery was a huge descision, a scarey one too...but i am soo glad i didnt listen to all the discouraging people out there!

   Kimberly :)
sleeve genie
on 6/26/11 3:29 am - Alhambra, CA
Thanks sweetie, Isn't it wonderful.   I feel so blessed and fortunate.     I'm so happy for you.  Running and jumping,  impressive  :o)  jeani
      the start of my brand new life was on 5/28/10
                      aka  jeaniwantsasleeve!!                  

on 4/3/11 11:57 pm

Those "WOW" moments for me are almost daily occurances.  Down from 48 pants at my higest to size 36 now. (wow)  Tieing my shoes without the stroke. (wow)

This the day the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.          
AGE 60  HIGH/W 330  PROGRAM/W 252  SURGICAL/W 210 GOAL/W 165
Brenda Holland
on 5/5/11 6:29 am - Bryans Road, MD
RNY on 10/03/11 with

I haven't gotten surgery I'm still holding my breath to tire my shoes :)...but congratulations and good job :)
How bad do you want it?
Milly C.
on 4/4/11 2:28 am - Los Angeles, CA
In the last 11 weeks since my surgery I have had many WOW moments but the one that really stands out to me happened a few weeks ago when I decided to paint my own toe nails.  Before WLS I would have to totaly twist my body to paint my toes, my WOW moment was when I was able to sit on the floor and paint my toe nails without twisting or turning my body in a weird way.  It felt so good to just reach down a paint them easily. 
Brenda Holland
on 5/5/11 6:30 am - Bryans Road, MD
RNY on 10/03/11 with
I havent' seen my toes in years..I'm not even sure i actually have toes!
How bad do you want it?
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