WOW Moments!

on 5/24/11 1:09 am
you look great. Even after I've lost 40 #s I feel so much better. Have another 75#s to go. but you and others inspire me daily. Thanks.
on 5/14/11 11:05 am - Denver, Co/ Jacksonville , NC
Yesterday one of my really good friends who by the way is goregous and a size 2, told me the she was jealous of my collar bones and that they always looked amazing. I was confused that she said that because I never realized that now people can compliment me on my body shape instead of pretending im not fat and never speaking about it. After I got over the shock  I smiled and said thank you. I was totally blushing!
HW- 350+/SW- 321/CW- 187/GW- 150
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers   Lilypie Second Birthday tickers    
on 5/15/11 6:59 am - Cameron, SC
My WOW moment...My stretch pants no longer stretch..... and no they are not stretched out........I have some denium stretch capris and when I put them on this morn they no longer stretch, they are baggy on me
Kimberly Simonson  HW285/ SW265   / CW 168/ GW 140.....5ft 2 in              
(deactivated member)
on 5/15/11 12:31 pm
I had a wow moment after my revision from gastric bypass to the duodenal switch. WoW, I actually feel satiety. WoW, no dumping. WoW, no reactive hypoglycemia. WoW, no solid intolerance. WoW, The DS is a far higher quality surgery than gastric bypass.
on 5/16/11 10:02 am
I'm new to the site and have enjoyed reading everyone's WOW moments. I'm 4 months in to a 6 month program and hope that I can contribute soon myself!
on 5/17/11 6:05 am
I am a new member to this community. I just wanted to say congratulations to all of you and your wow moments!

on 5/17/11 12:51 pm
Those WOW moments are coming fast and furious!

This week I have hit the point where I look in the mirror - and don't recognize me. It's very strange.

 I have "graduated" from Plus Sizes to regular Misses clothes - I was in Ross this weekend looking for a light denim jacket or blazer and asked the salesclerk where they were - she told me I was in the wrong section - that these were plus size - and I should be in Misses or Juniors Jackets. Juniors?  LOL  That was funny - and I walked on air the rest of the day, 

I was Skyping with my daughter and she told me to fix the camera - that my face was so thin she barely recognized me.  I told her the camera was set to "As Is"!

I have to get a new Drivers License.  My weight is wrong.  Yeah, so my weight has been wrong since I started driving - it always said I was lighter than I am.  Now it's 65 pounds more than I weigh!  LOL  Not only that but the last time I flew,TSA kept looking at my license, and me, and back and forth for a few minutes before I finally told them I'd lost weight.  I cannot imagine what they will do now - I don't even look like my license.  It's crazy.

I need to update my ticker - this morning I was 199.3.  FINALLY!  I cannot believe in 35 or 40 pounds I'll be at goal.  I really can do this.

Oh yeah, and I'm happy for the first time ever.  Not having a good day - but really deep down happy and content, even when stuff happens.

Did I remember to say I love my Gastric Sleeve? 
Like the butterfly,  I have the strength and the hope to believe 
In time I will emerge from my cocoon... Transformed. Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS

on 5/18/11 11:38 pm
I know what you mean about your drivers license.  I always put myself 20 lbs below my actual.  Now I'm 40 below what it says.  It looks nothing like me.  I think I'll wait until I lose my last 20 lbs. 
I'm happy too.  For so many years it was like a shadow hanging over me about being overweight.  Now there's a  a general feeling of contentment about me.  I know my butt isn't huge anymore.  The only, only complaint I have (And I'm not complaining) is when I lay on my side my knees knock together and sometimes its hard to get comfortable.  Hey, I'll take it!!
Julie Sadek    
on 5/19/11 5:54 am - OR
My Mom had a great wow moment....After years of heaving herself out of chair sand couches one day post-op she went to stand up and nearly shot out of the chair. She was so used to needing all her muscles and engery to get all that weight out of the chair that she forgot she was skinny and overestimated.
on 5/19/11 11:52 pm - Waynesboro, GA
At 3 weeks out from surgery, I caught myself smiling in the mirror. And guess what I found? My dimples are back. Apparently my fat face has hidden my dimples from view for way too long.
Now, THAT is something to smile about!
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