WOW Moments!
My greatest WOW moment is when I seemed to have just stoped losing weight...WHY that you say..??
Because when I got out my summer clothes from last year...THEY WERE WAAAAAY TOOOOOO BIGGGG..!!!
The weight has pretty much said, Enough, but the lost inches have said, "HELLO, NICE TO SEE YA..!"
Just 2 months post op, but getting the WOW's nearly everyday!
I got a ride from my sister and the seat belt fit.....Heck, the SEAT FIT.
Tied my shoe without sitting on the bed and bringing my foot up to me.
No loveseat open at the doctors....I fit in a regular chair!
Got up from a meeting, and nearly left my pants there (gotta get some suspenders)!
Had to scope out some new shirts, too much "V" and not enough ME (starting to dress like Cher--not on purpose either)!
Forgot the walker, and found I did just fine with only a cane--could not have done that 3 weeks ago.
Continually find Wow's from people here to celebrate and anticipate. Thanks so much for showing up and sharing the journey.
I have effortlessly kept at goal and have in the process lost my compulsive eating disorder and my compulsive exercising disorder. I see myself as a normal and healthy woman and have a lust for life that was lost amongst the illness that is chronic morbid obesity. I also no longer feel any shame or fear for myself. Nothing and no one can get me down!!!
