hi every one i have a question for after surgrey

jennifer V.
on 8/1/04 11:01 am - ventura, ca
hi every one just a quick question after you get home from having surgrey how long and how often do you walk. i know you need to get up and walk its good for you just dont know how long for thanks aug 10 ,2004 is my day
on 8/1/04 11:06 am - Daytona Beach, FL
I was made to walk 10 minutes every 2 hours for the first 48 hours...then 10 minutes every 3 hours for 72 hours....then 10 minutes every 4 hours 24/7 for ONE MONTH. And I did it...I remember walking up and down the driveway in the wee hours with my Ron sitting in a chair watching me and talking to me....I treasure those minutes... Hugs Charlie
Amy Williams
on 8/1/04 11:06 am
As much as you can. I was never really told how much was enough. My surgeon just said to get up as often as you can and walk as much as you can. Amy
jennifer V.
on 8/1/04 11:19 am - ventura, ca
hi amy i just wanted to say i saw you on MTV and found you insperation. you have come along way and very proud to be able to see you start to your goal thanks for the information and best wishes to you and your husband jen
Amy Williams
on 8/1/04 11:25 am
Jen, Thanks for the kind words! God Bless. Amy
John Rushton
on 8/1/04 11:06 am - Brookhaven, PA
Jennifer, Whatever you can tolerate. In the beginning you are not going to have a lot of energy - you are not getting in a lot of calories and your body is using what it is getting in for healing. But as the days pass, your energy will pick up. Just resolve to walk a little bit further each day than the day before. You'll be in my prayers for a successful surgery and a quick and uneventful recovery! JR open RNY 07/17/02 (2 oz pouch, 75 cm bypassed) Dr. Raper, HUP 440/427/213/213 (AT GOAL!!!) "Your past failures *will* always overtake you if you **stop** chasing after your future success!"
jennifer V.
on 8/1/04 11:15 am - ventura, ca
thanks everyone for the information its very helpfull i guess my nerves are kicking in since the surgrey is comming up . any information i can get and take into my brain the better, ive made speical friends here and i thank you all . jen
Dx E
on 8/1/04 11:21 am - Northern, MS
I did the 10 minutes out of every two hours for the first month that I was able to walk. I'm one of those rare folks who had extreme complications. I had a physical therapist come to the house three days a week and soon as I was up and able to walk, we did the 10 minute rule. If I waited 4 hours between walks, I would just walk for 20 minutes. At first it was just up and down the hall in my house. As I got more stable I made laps around the outside and took my dog for frequent walks. If you're headed outside, really keep sipping tha****er. It's very easy to dehydrate in those first 3 weeks. Best of wishes to you and all our prayers- Dx
on 8/1/04 1:29 pm
As much as you can when ever you can...walking is one of the greatest exercises you can in the beginning...... Darlene cvossg.org valleynutrition.com
Henry C.
on 8/1/04 2:09 pm - Northern, IL
After 2 weeks Drs. office told me they want me walking 15 mins. a day. I am almost 5 wks. out now and am doing 45 mins. a day. It doesn't have to be done all at one time though.
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