Survey...$$$ Saved ???

on 8/1/04 9:26 am - Southwest, FL
To those of you post op folks. Have you found that you are saving money by not shopping for so many groceries or are the vitamins and supplements costing as much ? Thanks !
on 8/1/04 9:31 am - Crestline, OH
So far even with the Vitamines and stuff I have saved all kinds of money! Especially since I cant go to McDonalds or anything anymore!!!
(deactivated member)
on 8/1/04 9:32 am
Actually I spend more on groceries because of all the seafood and fresh veggies I buy. I use to use a lot of coupons before - you know - cookies, cereal, frozen foods, ice cream. It seems like most of the things I buy now I can never find coupons for. I also shop a couple of times a week now so the veggies and fruit are fresh.
Amy Williams
on 8/1/04 9:32 am
I'm saving money, not to meantion the monthly pills I was having to take for my blood pressure and everything else. Amy
Vespa R.
on 8/1/04 9:33 am - Chicago, IL
I don't think I'm saving much. I buy very high quality food; for the little bit I can eat, I want it to be all good stuff. I also throw out a lot of food. I buy in as small a quantity as I can, but I live alone, and I get very tired of things after two or three times. After a few reheatings, leftovers don't agree as well, either. But, you know what? I don't care if I'm spending more or less: I feel great!
(deactivated member)
on 8/1/04 9:34 am - 'Burbs of St. Louis, MO
Well, we used to eat out for at LEAST $150 a week, if not more (we love sit-down restaraunts). My vitamins only cost me $25.00 a month. I am trying to get my protein without using supplements, but if I do supplement, it's with a $4 Zero Carb Isopure, which at the most would cost me $28 a week. Of course, then I must also buy groceries for my husband and daughter, but I still figure that I'm making out like a bandit.
on 8/1/04 9:37 am - Southwest, FL
Yikes I never thought of the money saved by not buying meds. That's a small fortune in itself!
on 8/1/04 9:44 am - Murrieta, CA
i'm saving a TON of money. my husband and i were just talking about this yesterday in the supermarket. i was spending WAY more money on all my 'goodies' i had every night when i got home from work... then i remembered that i was eating at mc donalds every morning before work - about $5/day which adds up. then on the weekends we would always eat out about 4 times... we still go out on the weekends but i don't generally order anything for myself... i just take a bit off my husbands plate - so that's been cut in half. i buy expensive protein powder (isopure) and expensive seafood... so little of it, though. even with my new expensive powders, vits, extras like beef jerky, i'm still spending much less - which helps me justify the new clothes i am always buying Deb open RNY 3/5/04 -82
Dx E
on 8/1/04 9:49 am - Northern, MS
Saving a fortune. I'm buying more expensive foods, but in such small portions that I'm still way ahead. And when eating out, I'm the cheapest date in town. Dx
John Rushton
on 8/1/04 10:19 am - Brookhaven, PA
Carbs are bad, but they are also cheap. Protein is good, but not as cheap JR
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