LBL, Brach, Hernia repost from Plastic Surgery Forum
My dr extended the brachio down under my arm and around the curve of the breast. It think it helped lift the breast a little. He also did a buttock enhancement with the LBL and I was hoping it would help my legs a little more than it appears to have. It might have helped the inner thigh a little. I thought at first I wold be happy with just losing the weight but my arms were very wrinkled and I knew I wanted to do them. I went with the LBL partly because the hernia repair would cover the front of that, almost like a tummy tuck. I am going on a cruise the end of May and I am so excited about wearing sleeveless evening dresses and sun dresses. My advice would be to talk to several PS and make your decision. Good Luck!!
Well, just to update, my rosy world crashed on Monday the 28th. Thankfully, no health issues to speak of. I got through the weekend and went to my Dr apt Monday where he removed stitches and 2 drains. On the way home I noticed my tummy wasn't feeling well and sure enough I got the foamies and was hurting very bad last night, plus still being constipated from the meds and surgery. You have had those nights, paranora sets in, is my RNY working right? Will I ever be able to eat again? Have I screwed my life up because I was VERY happy prior to this surgery. This morning I am having memory problems, can't remember what day is what since my surgery. Getting behind at work and at home. Haven't seen my granddaughter cause I know she will not understand why Granny can't pick her up. My BF has been so good but he has his own responsibilities, job and I really don't want to bring him down. I am VERY depressed. I know this is probably very normal and it will get better soon, just wanted to update you guys and let you know I have hit a down in the up and down phase of recovery.