The Big Picture

on 7/31/04 5:31 am - small town, MO
Just thought I'd do some rambling... hope no one minds Reading some of the posts today about not getting discounts when you go out to eat made me think we're not looking at the big picture here. I didn't have this surgery so I can order a smaller amount and pay less money, I had the surgery so I can have help to eat less, make healthier food choices and get the excess weight off. If I'm able to go out to eat and order something I want that helps me do this, then I am successful. The main thing is the WLS is working if I can not go in and order what I would have ordered pre-surgery!! Believe me, ordering 1 scrambled egg and toast and having so much I can't eat it all is not what I would have ordered before, it would have been 2 eggs hashbrowns, sausage, biscuits and gravy along with 3 cups of coffee with cream & sugar!!! Yes, I do pay attention to prices when I order food, but even if I had to pay the same price for my "new" meal" as compared to the "old" one, I am doing so much better with what I'm putting into my body and I'm losing fat that I have carried around on me for so long, isn't the important thing the results we're getting? If we save some money when eating out now then that's great, but it's not guaranteed, we're worrying to much about the little thing and not looking at what we're really getting, which is healthier every day. Ok going back to drinking my carb countdown now and into lurk mode Lulu -89
Dx E
on 7/31/04 6:05 am - Northern, MS
I'm with you Lulu, I can't eat but about ½ a cup of anything, therefore, I order the best. Usually I get a very elaborate appetizer or a cup of soup. With the money I save from passing by fast foods, I can afford the Lobster Thermador. Seriously, I don't know how McDonalds is making it with out my business. I thought I was keeping them and Burger King in business. Maybe that's why they're offering all of these salads now- It's a desperate attempt to get my business again. Dx
on 7/31/04 7:20 am - small town, MO
Hi Dex mmmmmm lobster!! I have not tried any yet since surgery but now you've put that idea in my mind lol darn you!!! I know what you mean about McD's they saw me a lot before surgery and yes it was supersized... Last time I went I got a happy meal with chicken nuggets and apple slices instead of fries, apple juice instead of soda... of course the girl screwed up and didn't put in the juice box so I didn't have my drink, wouldn't have had it then anyway and no big deal... as the man said They f^*$ you at the drive true!! Lulu -89
yvonne T.
on 7/31/04 7:04 am - round rock, TX
How can you think that going out to eat and getting it for less because you eat less is so important I can not get my surgery. I still have to put up with the put downs. I still have to pay for 2 seats in the air line because they make there seat to small. I still have to have some one help me get dressed and help me wash up. Do you get suck in the tub?? I still have to put up with people watching me go thought the buffet line. and GOD forbid i get ice cream or cake. How can you think that it right for any one to get a discount because they want to go out to eat. you should be sing a praise of joy YOU are on the road to better health and a new kind of life free of pain and the hurt that grabs at your sole. how petty you get when you lose weigh that you dont see what a joy a blessing you have. LET ME HAVE THAT JOY and I can tell you for sure i will not be see the thing i dont get but only the joy this will bring me. YOu are the lucky ones you have had your surgery. Just feel blessed. and learn to say doggy bag please. yvonne tx
on 7/31/04 7:26 am - small town, MO
Yvonne I think you're misunderstanding my post, or maybe I'm misunderstanding yours. I'm not complaining about the cost to go out to eat, for me it's quality, service and the enjoyment I get or convenience I need to go somewhere. I am happy and grateful I've had this surgery and thankful I am now eating differently. I'm sorry you are having problems getting approved and I hope that changes for you!! Believe me I do know the pain and suffering involved with being an obese person.... I still am obese. Hugs Lulu
on 7/31/04 7:27 am - Bristol, CT
Everything is relative! We all have our own set of problems And I'm sure there are a lot of people that would also like to be in your shoes too. There is always someone better off and worse off then ourselves. God bless you and I do hope that someday you can have the surgery you want. Sandy
mary oklahoma
on 7/31/04 7:33 am - Ponca City, OK
hey there all, I was gonna stay out of this one butttt,,, this is a small town, and the restraunts are kinda strange, not to many of them and they do things maybe different than where you are.. most appitizer are junk (sorry ) foods i cant eat.. most dont have where you can only order one thing , you order a dinner or nothing,, now to make it simple if i order a whole dinner and can only eat maybe 1/6 or it and when I sit there for a very long time and ask for the 3rd time for a doggie bag,which i never got. should I say something to the host or just say mmmm I am glad i am lossing weight and they walking all over me. I dont thinkso. i said nothing but trust me the next time we go there I will get a doggie bag or there will be a plate missing from the table.. if a sinor can order a smaller plate why cant I?? its no big deal for them to do this for someone of age. why should it be a problem for me to order a smaller plate of food. I am on a very limited budget ,because of strokes and can never return to work. so money is tight and the maybe once a month out to dinner should not be a hassle. just because someone can't eat a large plate does not mean they should be limited to ordering all that food and having it stare them in the face. idont want a hand out from the food industry, and I know they are there to make money, but when i was larger if i wanted to eat 2 plates of food ( I would of paid for it) i never did , that was not my problem , i never could eat lots at one time,i just ate the wrong foods and ate several times a day. ok thats my 2 cents,... huggs Mary
on 7/31/04 7:57 am - small town, MO
Hi Mary I'm sorry there are not many places for you to go eat at. Boy around here there are so many places, of course all the fast food places and then the nicer places, I guess I'm fortunate that I have many to choose from. Some I used to go to I would not go to now because what I'm interested in getting just isn't there. I like Cracker Barrel because you can order breakfast any time and they have a 1 egg any style with toast which is a good choice for me. I do think your server was not doing their job with not giving you the to go box, I would have talked to the manager about it! I don't have a problem at all asking for a to go box and have done it many times! Last was when I went to Applebees (took a good friend out to lunch for her birthday) I ordered a grilled talapia fish dinner, barely touched it, had the rest of the fish for another meal, ended up pitching the veggies & rice. I don't go out to eat a lot and I don't spend a lot when I do. Believe me I used to spend a lot more money on eating out!! Lulu
on 7/31/04 8:57 am - Colorado Springs, CO
Ok, I stayed out of the first round of this thread, but here is my thoughts on the subject. Like it or not, it's my thoughts. The first woman posted about being refused to pay for childs price for her breakfast. This was her first time using her card and questioned on here if she should have talked to the manager. I feel that the response this woman got was as if she commited the unpardonable sin. I don't think she was sounding as if she was DEMANDING a discount, she was just questioning it since her doctor gave her this card. Now after all the "NEG" responses, she said she will never use her card again. As another poster replied, she is on a fixed income and having a discount from time to time helps her. Whether or not a person is on a fixed income or not, I feel if an establishment is kind enough to offer a slighly lower charge for a smaller portion, than so be it. If not, then it is there right to say NO. I don't think those of us who do use our cards from time to time aren't feeling like it is DUE us, but a nice jester on the part of the restaurant. Personally, when hubby and I go out to eat, we share, because we both tend to like the same thing. Never a problem there. A few places charge a sharing fee, but hey, that is their policy and so be it. There are times I will use my card when at a place like Ruby Tuesdays and get their salad bar and they give it to me for the childs price of $2.99. Most places that have a salad bar I find they will give me the childs price. I am not ashamed to ask for it. I don't feel it is owed to me because I choose to have this surgery and can't eat the full portions anymore. But, I feel it can't hurt to ask if I can pay a lesser price. My attitude isn't that I demand it or deserve it and I think they see through that and oblige me. I don't feel that I am taking advantage of them in any way either. I only do this at certain places depending what I want to eat. Even when hubby and I share our meal. We tip as if it were two. I'm not looking to get over on any establishment. Just seeing if I can have a break from time to time. I never bring leftover salad home. Gets too soggy! So, for those who use your card, don't feel like there is something wrong w/you for using it or that you are a tight wad! Use it proudly w/a thankful attitued to that establishment. We have come a long way in our journey and have had to feel bad about ourselves in soooo many ways, let's not feel bad if we "Choose" to use our cards. Let's just not be demanding of using it. It is a privalege to have some places honor it. It says to me, this is there way of rewarding me for doing a job well done. They are always amazed at where I have come from and so am I. Your Gastric Buddy, Jeannie Lap/RNY 7-8-03 290/160/? PS in Oct.
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