How Do I Eat It??

on 7/31/04 5:17 am - Ruther Glen, VA
An artichoke heart that is!! I have heard all this talk about Artichoke hearts, so I bought a jar of marinated ones....I have been staring at them for a week now. How do I eat them? Right out of the jar? Cold or hot? What the heck IS an artichoke heart ANYWAY?!?!?! I mean....they don't even come with instructions!! Yes, I'm an idiot...but every village needs one Signed: Clueless about Artichoke Hearts In VA Dawn -81lbs
Mama Bear
on 7/31/04 5:23 am - Dallas Area, TX
The jarred ones can be drained, coarsley chopped and added to salads or pasta. They are good warmed or cold. If they were packed in oil, you might want to rinse them to remove some of it first. RK
suzan W.
on 7/31/04 5:25 am - hollywood, FL
HI, Just open the jar and start eating them,,,they are real good. the best ones are the ones you make your self with those you need directions in order to eat...enjoy they are not that bad have a good weekend Suzan
on 7/31/04 5:28 am - north of boston.., MA
ooooohhhhhhhhhhh the posibiltys of dawn you can use them in a anti pasto can eat them cold artichoke heart is the best part of the artichoke.. after eating those leaves its like reward you get to it.. its a taste thats aquired you might not like the taste but give it a shot.. in the winter time my mother used to use artichoike hearts with left over chicken cutlets.. shed get a can of minnnesrtone soup cut up the cutlets mix in the artichoke wasted cutlets leftover.. also if you get as jar of marinated mushrooms..a jar of peperers srtips you can lay out the pepper stuff it with artichoke hearts n mushroom ...roll it put a toothpick in it..nice appetizer articholke omelete 6 eggs salt pepper grated cheese pre heat oven beat eggs all ingrediants put a little olive oil mix in artichoke hearts n bake350 for 30 minutes
on 7/31/04 5:29 am - ME
Hi Dawn, Artichoke hearts are something you might need to acquire a taste for. You eat them cold right out of the jar. They may be packed in an oil and vinegar dressing. I love them but not everyone does. Karen
Cajun Xpress
on 7/31/04 5:34 am
I gues we are two peas in a pod, but I wouldn't call you an idiot. It took me a while until some told me to get one out of the jar, wa**** and then eat it. Pretty tasty.
Dx E
on 7/31/04 5:41 am - Northern, MS
Mama Bear
on 7/31/04 5:46 am - Dallas Area, TX
I love antipasto. How do you tolerate the fat from the salami? RK
Dx E
on 7/31/04 5:53 am - Northern, MS
I have just the tiniest bite and with a lot of roasted pepper. The salami mostly just flavors the other items for me, but my dinner guests gobble it up. I'm also a big fan of the super thin sliced prosciutto wrapped around a piece of cantaloupe. Yum! I just eat such small portions, but at 11months post-op I can pretty much have a nibble of anything, that's not sweet, or too fatty. I'm a dumper, fortunately.
Crysti D.
on 7/31/04 5:46 am - Moore, OK
EWWWWWWW ...... unless my pouch changes drastically i can't see me ever acquiring the taste for these. I know lots of folks love them, my mom eats them just about every way possible and even tries to sneak them into my food - i can taste them in just about everything. I do hope you enjoy them. I know I eat a lot of "strange" southern/country food that many folks wouldn't like so I'm not flaming by any means just wondering if you want to chase your artichoke with my pickled okra .... j/k ... best wishes to ya
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