Saturday weigh in....

Roger C.
on 7/31/04 4:43 am - Cleveland, OH
Hello everyone I just got done weighing I do every Saturday afternoon and as of today.....I am down 95 lbs since surgery....for a total of 125 lbs from my highest. I had surgery 3 months and 1 week ago and I am so happy with the results so far. I was hoping to hit the 100 lb mark by my birthday....which was yesterday.....but I am still doing the happy dance.... I have been so blessed to have this tool that will give me a 2nd chance at life. I feel so much better....physically and mentally. I have been getting out more and more each day and living and loving life. I talked to my mom this morning and she is at home now and feeling good.....Thank god that is all over with. Hugs to everyone Roger Open RNY 4-22-04 -95 lbs since surgery/ -125 total
Randall Culpepper
on 7/31/04 4:45 am - Guntersville, AL
WOW Roger!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's awesome!! I salute you! Randall
Roger C.
on 7/31/04 5:08 am - Cleveland, OH
Randall, Thanks.......your turn is coming up next guy It is a great feeling. Sending out prayers your way for a uneventful surgery and a quick recovery Roger
(deactivated member)
on 7/31/04 4:47 am - Yakima, WA
Not sure which I'm happier about: Your 95 pounds or your mom coming home and feeling good How about BOTH
Dx E
on 7/31/04 4:49 am - Northern, MS
Congratulation Roger, It gets even easier to add in exercise once that weight keeps coming down. I'm an 11month post-op, and I now feel like I've taken over someone else's body. Good to see you other guys out here on the site. We make up such a small minority of the people who get this surgery, but due to male physiology, we tend to lose faster and with fewer plateaus than the ladies. Keep on keepin' on- Dx
Amy Williams
on 7/31/04 4:50 am
Congrats to you Roger! You look great!! You've done an awesome job! Amy
Roger C.
on 7/31/04 5:04 am - Cleveland, OH
Amy, Thanks for you kind words......So how have you been doing lately????? I haven't seen you on the boards lately.....Loved your story on MTV. Hugs Roger
Amy Williams
on 7/31/04 5:12 am
Roger, Thanks! I'm glad that you liked the show. I've been doing pretty good. I had an infection in my left leg about 3 weeks ago. I'm just now getting over that. I ended up in the hospital for about 4 days. Not fun. I've not been around the boards a whole lot cause now that the infection is gone I've been more tired. I think things just finally caught up to me. After surgery I was not very tired, but now I seem to be all the time. I didn't really get a lot of rest in the beginning so I'm pretty sure that's what it is. It's getting better though. Been trying to make sure to get my water and vitamins in. I haven't weighed in over 2 weeks so I'm not sure how much I am down now. I was wanting to be under 500. I'm pretty sure I am. Last time I weighed I was 501. At 6 weeks I was down 69 pounds since surgery and 114 from my highest. I could not be happier that I had surgery. It's going to change both of our lives Amy
Kathy M.
on 7/31/04 6:24 am - rockaway, ny
Hijacking... Thanks for doing that show Amy. Although i was having surgery the day it aired, I caught it when I got home and really enjoyed it. It really showed how MO people are treated. I admire your courage. I'm so happy you're doing well. Congratulations!
Amy Williams
on 7/31/04 6:29 am
Kathy, Glad you got to see the show. Thanks for the kind words! Amy
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