Side effect form B-12 OR?

Janine Greenwood
on 7/30/04 2:24 pm - Long Beach, CA
I now after 1 yr. and 1 mo. post op. have to take a b-12 shot. I have to take the shot 1x a week for 1 mo. and 1x a month there after. A strange thing has been happening and just thought it may be a bad side effect from the shot. First off the first shot was give to me on Wed. the 21st. then Wed. the 28th. The shot on the 21 first made me tired and then by Friday I was on turbo speed LOL. But I was noticing in my left arm on my vein it was really putruding out ward like I was getting ready to have blood drawn. I have a bad pain in it all the way to my wrist. Then the pain went always by sun. Then on Wed. when I got the new shot I am going threw the same thing swollen puffed up vein with pain with pain. I do not take this shot in a vein it goes in the muscle. The first shot was in my Rt arm. the second shot was in my Rt. hip. So why the pain in the left arm in my vein? I am thinking I should be seen for this. Anyone have this problem. I have so much energy it's scaring me
Dx E
on 7/30/04 2:36 pm - Northern, MS
Hey Janine, I take a B12 shot once a month, but have not had any such side effects. Have the Dr. check on this. The increased energy seems likely connected, but the pain in the arm and the popping out vein seem very odd. Best of luck- Dx
bubbleboo K.
on 7/30/04 10:31 pm - anywhere, OK
The vein thing is strange. I would check with my Dr. Now energy wise, I noticed a difference almost immediately. I take mine under the tongue. I also noticed that my weight came off at a more steady pace.
on 7/30/04 11:01 pm - Fairbank, IA
I was taught in college that the best place for a B12 injection was in the hip and maybe the reason why your vein is protruding and arm hurts is because they hit a vein when they gave it to you. They are suppose to aspirate on the syringe to make sure they are in correct placement from now on tell them in your hip or thigh or butt.
Carrie Sue P.
on 7/31/04 2:00 am - Church Hill, MD
Hello, I receive B-12 shots monthly ( either in the right arm or left arm) for almost a year now. Last month I recieved the b-12 shot in my left arm. I had terrible pain in the spot where the B-12 shot was given. Also had weakness in that arm, even had aching pain when I would move my left arm. The pain and weakness lasted for a month. As far as energy I'm always tired after I receive the B-12 shot for a day or two. I actually have to go home and rest. Then a day or two later I get a jolt of energy. On my next visit for my B-12 shot. I asked the nurse why might this of happend the pain from the previous B-12 shot ? and he said " that is was a reaction from the B-12 shot". You may want to still get it checked out.
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