Willie B.
on 7/30/04 10:31 am - Baltimore, MD
Hello to every 1. My wife (Paris) is a member of this group and I thought that I would join her so that I may find out as much as possible about what she has to go through. We have been talking about the surgery for awhile now. But we were both surprise when two weeks after she submitted her paperwork to the doctor, SHE GOT APPROVED. But here is the kicker. She is schedueled to have everything done in 1 month( the classes, the diet, the doctor visits, etc.). Now I don't know bout her but this makes me very nervious and I think she is too. What I would like to get some feed back on is this normal for it to happen this fast??? And what can I do to surport her??? Your help is greatly needed!!!!
on 7/30/04 10:38 am - Columbia, TN
I would prefer to call it a blessing. Your wife isn't fighting the insurance company. She is well on her way to a healthier and happier life. Once I got approved, I had my psych eval and got in to see my surgeon. I had my pre-op tests and had my surgery within 3 weeks. I have not looked back with one regret. Only blessings.
on 7/30/04 10:40 am - Liberty, SC
Willie, It took me just over six months of jumping through the insurance company hoops to get approved. Look at this as a blessing. God Speed to your wife on her upcoming surgery. Hugs, Tracy
on 7/30/04 10:41 am - Roswell, NM
Willie.... read read read.... I waited almost a year for surgery and I'm kinda glad. It gave me alot of time to prepare. If your not ready tell them you would like to postpone it a little bit. You need to make sure she really wants this and is ready for the life changes that will occur.... Good luck and God Bless your decision... Terri 303/164/150??
on 7/30/04 10:42 am - front royal, VA
Hey, I am from Baltimore but now live in the mountains, I have been waiting for a year with a 4-6 month wait. My doctor is military and only does one a week. There will be alot of changes and alot of I don't know if this is right I still think that way. I think you should get all the info you can and ask alot of Question. I am still not ready i glad i have that time plus i need to save my leave Huggs Terri
Cyndi M.
on 7/30/04 10:55 am - KY
I had all my test done in less than two weeks, the only thing that slowed me down was waiting on my insurance company to give me the ok. cyndi
Liz F.
on 7/30/04 11:06 am - West Quincy, MA
Just make sure you both grill the surgeon up and down and sideways with questions - here in Boston at Boston Medical we have to go through a 9 month to one year pre-program before we are even approved, so she is doing good to get through that fast, but again, ask as many questions as you can fit in Liz F. West Quincy, MA. Pre-Op 08/10/2004
Terry Lynn W.
on 7/30/04 11:12 am - ..., CO
I would make sure that the surgeon you decide on has done many of the procedures. If your surgeon is listed on this website, you can get allot of feedback from others who have used him/her. It is said that a doctor is not proficient at this surgery unless they have done over 125 procedures. Also, ask the surgeon about their complication and death rate. Do they have a well established support system? All of these things will help make your Paris surgery successful. You will get tons of help from this site. Thanks, Terry Lynn
on 7/30/04 11:13 am - Spicewood, TX
Willie (and Paris): I had pondered - briefly - wls about 5 years ago. And discarded the idea as I was - at that time - a single mother who chose social work as her profession. (Meaning broke all the time) Gained a good 50 pounds and 5 years later - still in social work - but now married with a husband who has great health insurance. We went to an informational seminar on wls on the 20th of May, letter of medical necessity sent to my husband's insurance (which is actually my secondary coverage) and approval was received by the middle of June. I, like Paris, had a month to do a tons of things...I got them done and had surgery on the 15th. I do have moments - when my brain is telling me how hungry it is - that I ponder perhaps I moved too quickly....But - then I remember the years of misery of being fat...and that emotion quickly departs. Support your wife by offering to go to any and all appointments (if you can), attend support groups with her, sit at the hospital with her, listen to her ***** about the liquid diet, and remind her you love her no matter what. Anne
Debbie H.
on 7/30/04 11:16 am - Redding, CA
Willie awesome for you supporting you wife.....just research the Dr and check here on line to see his patients and what they have to say about him. Have a great day Always Debbie
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