Betty W.
on 7/30/04 8:09 am - Springfield, Va
Dear Patty, My heart is breaking after reading your story...what a year it has been for you and yet you have been here for everyone, posting good advice for all of the pre-ops and post-ops. Maybe you should come to DC and work for the Federal Government.....Lots of jobs in this area that I live. Have you thought about relocating or is that out of the question? I would love to help but don't how that would be with you so far away. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...you have too much on your plate to go it alone. (((((((((((((((((((((((Patty)))))))))))))))))))))
Michelle B.
on 7/30/04 8:24 am - Phoenix, AZ
Patty, you are indeed a trooper, puts things into perspective for me. I'm a single mother (for 10 years) have 2 teenage boys 15 & 16 and have worked a full and part time job now for 7 years. Sometimes it gets rough...but we get through stuff! Thanks for your inspiration (yes you do inspire me) and I wish you luck on your job search, someone is bound to see what a lovely person you are and snatch you up! Take care, Michelle
on 7/30/04 8:29 am - Plano, TX
Patty I'm so sorry and know a little about where you've been. Thank God you've stayed strong through everything you've been through! You have to keep that faith! You have your son and sister to help you and that's a God send! You are in my thoughts and prayers. The VA Hospital in Dallas has 14 public open postions. There's one that is for a Time and Leave Clerk which pays up to 35k per year. I don't know you're background, but if you've ever done secretarial work it's something until you find a position in your field. You can search by going to www.v a.gov(do not put a space between va I didn't want the monitors to take it off) then clicking on job opportunties and selecting Dallas. My husband works there and really enjoys it. The benefits are great! It's takes a little while to get on there, but it's worth it. Try with your former employers' competitors or even a temporary agency. I know it's not what you always want, but sometimes employers only hire through temp agencies. Mine did and I was fortunate to get the great job I have today. You never know. Work your ex-customers, ex-suppliers, former co-workers, etc. Everyone develops a network whether they know it or not. Most of the time it's not what you know, but who you know. Don't give up, you are great person and will make it through this. Just never say it can't get any worse because you know as well as I, it can! We all love you Patty and are pulling and praying for you! One day soon someone will say Patty you're exactly what we've been looking for!!!!!! Hugs, Jenn
Margo M.
on 7/30/04 9:24 am - Elyria, OH
big hugs to you,patty..............
on 7/30/04 9:31 am - Manchester, NY
(((((((((((((((Patty))))))))))))))))) I just don't know what to say.
on 7/30/04 9:37 am - Southwest, FL
Patty, I have so enjoyed reading your always well written posts. This one pains me! Please know that you are truly an amazing woman! You have such grace under pressure. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Continued strength. If you write a resume as you write to us surely you will be recognized as an asset to your profession.
(deactivated member)
on 7/30/04 11:03 am - IN
Patty, Thank you for always being here for us..i love you and am praying for you..Hugs and prayers..Val2
Ang Ak
on 7/30/04 11:26 am - Anchorage, AK
Patty, seems to me you would be an asset in your surgeon's office. Any chance of working there?
on 7/31/04 12:08 am - Tallahassee, FL
Hey Patty, I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you. GOD has a way of doing things that we don't understand, but I do know this...you may have gone through some terrible things this last year, but GOD has got something wonderful coming your way!!!!! And trust me, you will be amazed how your cir****tances can turn around. Take it from me, I know, and I thank GOD every day for his bountiful blessings. Take care and don't worry I'm in your corner along with this wonderful AMOS family!!! We love and support you. Cathy
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